If Elected, Buhari Will Witch-Hunt Enemies And Jail Them For 200 - TopicsExpress


If Elected, Buhari Will Witch-Hunt Enemies And Jail Them For 200 Years – Muazu Mu’azu insisted that the APC candidate, if elected, would involve in “witch-hunting” of “perceived enemies” and imprison them for “200 years”. __________________________________Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered, man by nature was corrupted by power, It is the duty of every citizen within a democracy to know when to obey, and when to disobey, their government Maybe its time to act upon the advise of Thomas Jefferson; we need to send our socialist leaning political leaders a message. We will not lay down. Our freedom and liberty was hard won, paid in full by the blood of patriots. If we let our freedom slip away, then mankind will surely endure a thousand years of the darkness of this agent of corrouption - the Country turn to one party state by them, they live in a political system with only one partie with any chance of winning, they support big business, to the detriment of the common citizen. Elections are simply giant public relations evnts, and the public dont vote on policies, rather than on which guy they like the mostand their party take it all. And while they talk about all their forefathers statements of liberty etc, they forget to mention that it was a load of hot air, because at the time they said it while slavery was a common practice, and big business and women werent allowed the vote. Then they sit by and do nothing, while their rights are stripped away from them, all in the name of a grossly overesdimated terrorist threat, which their administrations created and empowering fundalmentalist resistance, The rich,influential and contractors coming from them. They never allowed freedom or any of their people the right to actively decide upon laws, lest they have more money than the majority. This is because government, in the mind of rulers, has always been synonymous to big business. People refuse to read, learn, study, and apply ethics to life. They stick to their animal natures and hang on to their petty beliefs passed on to them by corrupt rulers. We now live in an age where knowledge and entertainment are both abundant. However, which is valued more? We have the capacity to either be the most intelligent philosophically advanced people ever. Yet at the same time we have the ability to be the most ignorant moronic people ever. There are a few key principles Id like to pass down to those open-minded enough to read. 1. All living things no matter how intelligent or not have a value incomprehensible to the human mind. Ancient people understood this very well. 2. The MAJORITY of the current Nigeria citizen lives in complete and utter poverty compared even when compared to the ghettos of the countries 3. Ignorance is a form of tyranny in and of itself. 4. Tyranny can only be defeated by NEVER compromising. 5. If an individual truly understands their own value and potential they can achieve more good than an entire world of corrupt nations and people. My words will criticized, demonized, and mocked in the usual fashion. Ask yourself though, what do you do for the good of humanity on this complicated hunk of matter that we call Nigeria?Dont bring left-wing/right-wing political generalizations here or you are truly showing your ignorance. Half of the reason we are in this mess is due to the subversion of the media and many other practices of deceit which all result in a society AGAINST each other. United we STAND, separated we just bicker and fall, endlessly. Open your eyes, open your mind, but please think before you speak. If youre about to remark on someones political view, remember its not even a real view, its created, fictitious and sincerely just another way of keeping us occupied and against one another. REAL change will not be conducted through sitdon dey look but through commonsense revolution! voting, thogh had to vote into a broken system or to allow broken system to fix that system. But will shall vote to start fresh and create a WORKING system. Forget vote of mercy,forget ethnic vote,forget contineuty vote, forget religion vote,forget ragional vote, forget voting president on incubency, forget propaganda,forget fear, forget race, just focus on the bigger picture please. Our government has known for years how to keep us separated/bickering, and theyre excellent at it. Group together and come up with ideas, you will fail every single time you try and do this on your own. We need to do this as a society. Please do not refute a single point here until you actually research and find out what subversion of the media is, or how many presidents have warned of its inevitable consequences. More interestingly, how certain people have died after warning of such deceit... JFK speech (take it for what its worth) For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to matchGood people have deep and sincere thoughts and spoken words that will assuredly tell a truth. All citizens have a responsibility and a duty to rebel and change what they know to be wrong. Even if it means tearing down the government in order to build a better one.what we want is change! We are tired of this PDP, we are tired of cook up! We are tired of go to exetremes! We are tired of babricate! We are tired of hike!we are tired of corroupt!we are tired of boast and boost. We are tired of those who called corrouption common stealling! We are tired of goverment that send exmillitant as envoy!we are tired of seen ex convict and drug barron at corridors of power.We shall vote for change no amount of treat and propaganda.the sun of change is set,if you cant stand the heat leave the kitchen! You shall run no one will pursue you but your shadow. It is COMMON SENSE REVOLUTION! IT Is CHANGE! Your children can not stay Abroad enjoying why our own children is roaming on the street as Beggers. Our Life our living need change!!! CHANGE! CHANGE!CHANGE! Change Degree Holder riding OKADA! Change Degree holder doing ARISTOS! Change Dgeree holder as a Dangote Truck Driver.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:29:03 +0000

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