If Michelle Has It Her Way, Grocery Shopping Could Become A - TopicsExpress


If Michelle Has It Her Way, Grocery Shopping Could Become A Nightmare…...to provide consumers with a message of support or encouragement... It is obvious that, while Michelle Obama’s nutritional activism started in public school cafeterias, she is dedicated to changing how all of the nation looks at food. Many of her ideas thus far have been enacted through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which this month issued a new report spotlighting far more intrusive proposals than the existing school mandates. As Free Beacon reported, the report largely focuses on food stamp recipients; however, all grocery shoppers would be impacted by the new regulations if enacted. In addition to selecting a panel of experts to develop a set of shopping guidelines, the USDA hopes to force supermarkets to dip into their own profits to provide some high tech accoutrements. The main focus will reportedly be emphasizing the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. “Most Americans,” the report claims, “including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants, do not purchase enough whole grains, dark greens and orange vegetables, and legumes, and purchase too many items with excess calories from fats and added sugars.” It goes on to cite “food marketing messages” and “promotions for many unhealthy food items” as a potential cause for the trend. One of the peripheral plans included in the report is the implementation of talking shopping carts that inform shoppers when they’ve made sufficient government-approved food selections. Known as “MyCart,” the advanced carts would recognize USDA foods contained in its MyPlate program. “The algorithm would group the purchases to classify them using the MyPlate designations and to provide consumers with a message of support or encouragement,” the report asserted, “(e.g., ‘You achieved a MyCart healthy shopping basket!’)” Not only did the federal government spend taxpayer money on the research behind these proposals, consumers would likely be hit again if supermarkets are forced to comply and absorb their expenses with higher prices. westernjournalism/unreal-michelles-latest-plan-put-absurd-carts-supermarkets/ First, it was Michelle’s White House vegetable garden. Then it was her school lunch program. Now, a new report from the Department of Agriculture explains that the government wants to use a variety of tools – including “talking shopping carts” – to influence the items we buy at the grocery store. The 80-page report, prepared by an “expert panel,” makes recommendations on how to “nudge” the more than 47 million Americans on food stamps (SNAP) into spending their benefits on fruits and vegetables. “Most Americans, including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants, do not purchase enough whole grains, dark green and orange vegetables, and legumes, and purchase too many items with excess calories from fats and added sugars.” Enter the talking shopping cart. The cart would be color-coded, physically divided, and have a system installed so that when the shopping cart reaches its healthy “threshold” it would congratulate the customer. (Not unlike a first-grader receiving a gold star for a job well done?) *“The algorithm would group the purchases to classify them and provide consumers with a message of support or encouragement, e.g., “You achieved a healthy shopping basket!” (More gold stars!) So, would the carts work to the government’s satisfaction? Keeping with the “rewarding a first-grader” idea, here’s why it thinks so: “The principle of self-attribution suggests that when an individual perceives they have the ability to freely choose between options, they are more likely to be satisfied with the choice they make. *Using this principle, positioning healthier items for increased salience can support consumers choosing healthier options.” So basically, even though you’re being manipulated, if you think it’s your idea, you’re happy. Especially if you get a gold star! Of course we should eat healthy foods. No one (with a modicum of sense) disputes that. The question is, is it the government’s job to not only tell us what to eat, but how much of it we should eat? Gold stars, or not. ijreview/2014/07/158363-talking-shopping-carts-congratulate-customer-buying-healthy-food/
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:09:13 +0000

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