If according to our Union Home Minister, the Naxal Movement is a - TopicsExpress


If according to our Union Home Minister, the Naxal Movement is a terrorist activity and it is proved then we are freely say that all our Freedom movement fought by the great Freedom Fighters’ as well as martyr like Kshudiram Bose, Prafulla Chaki, Bhagat Singh, Surya Sen, the great trio Binoy-Badal-Dinesh etc. were also come to the same league because both of them were fought for a cause and both were fought against the legal establishment called State. The then period the State was ruled by British Govt. and now-a-days by the so called politicians who are much more tyrant and highly corrupted than the British (that I personally feel sometimes). It is true that we got an independent State in pen and paper bur are we really get it..?? Ask your conscience and I am sure you will get the real answer…………… The Freedom Fighters were fought for getting their rights i.e., to freed our motherland from the shackles of the British Government on the contrary the Naxalites’ are fought and attack again and again against the all sections of our society specially the political groups to get their reasonable dues which are not reached to them in a fair way and in a bias free manner and as a result the innocents are victimized most of the times. The Naxals are not born and brought up suddenly in a day or in one fine morning. When they born they are also a very simple and soft human being like all of us with full of dreams in their eyes but this rotten system gradually convert them to the today’s panic. Because deprivations by the upper echelons’ of the society, starving for day by day, not getting their reasonable and basic amenities like food, clothes and shelter compelled them to divert their way to choose the path of Naxalism. It is not wholly true that the Government cannot do anything for those people but the amenities are not reaching to them properly due to the vicious circle of high level corruption from top to bottom, from higher to grassroots levels of the society and the natural outcome we regularly observed throughout the India by the help of fourth arm of this large democracy which is media. And the persons who are mostly responsible for all these occurrences is the policymakers and the politicians who think much more about themselves after bag a seat in this largest democracy. And this is happened only for the lack of proper education and rearing. In every public and private sector there are require some prescribed minimum qualification to get a job but in our country like India, the so called largest democracy in the world there is no specific academic qualification necessary for the so called politicians who are elected by the citizens of the country………SHAME to this system and the prolonged culture and notwithstanding we all are part of this putrefied system. There are so many whistleblowers throughout the country who stands against this decayed system by raising their voices by dealing with so many social issues but most of the times their assertions are go in vain because ‘the politicians are politicians’ and they are not so very much interested to pay any heed to the whistleblowers ‘awaz’. We require some specific enactments by the help of which we restricted the entry of those so called illiterate, ill-mannered and sometimes anti-humanist politicians for the sake of our country who does not have a basic academic qualification (to me they all must possess a law degree because they only are entitled to legislate laws in our country so it is necessary for them to know the nitty-gritty of the legal system) because we only have the voting power to elect our representatives in the Houses. But the legislators are very much reluctant to enact a Statute by passing of a Bill regarding the basic academic qualifications because after passing of the necessary Statutes/Acts there arises a conflict of interest among them and as a result most of them are unable to participate in the various elections and naturally their evil wishes are not fulfilled. Still we have hell lot of time in our hands to bring the Naxalites as well as the other vulnerable groups in the mainstream of our society by way of affection, caring, showering humanity to them by way of rendering all the reasonable facilities and legitimate demands which they deserve like all the sections of the society otherwise the day will not very far from us and coming very soon when we all as an Indians are boast of by achieving the top position among the world’s most violent nations’. Because, according to the recent survey report released on Tuesday (11th June, 2013) of GPI (Global Peace Index), 2013, India ranked 141st among 162 nations in the Global Peace Index having lost more than 2 lives per day or recorded 799 deaths from internal conflict in 2012. Presently our country put in the same league of Pakistan, Iraq and South Sudan. Comparing with the BRICS Nations, India ranks 89 out of 126 nations on positive peace index. Some key parameters decided by GPI are given below:- Scores on a scale of 1 to 5. Closer to 1 indicates higher positive peace :- Criteria India Brazil Russia China South Africa Sound business environment 4.255 3.979 3.680 3.801 2.917 Low levels of corruption 0.863 3.444 4.481 4.019 3.389 Well functioning government 3.518 3.464 4.155 3.357 2.981 Good relations with neighbour 3.833 2.802 2.828 3.048 3.193 (Source: 2013 Global Peace Index) Last but not least I humbly and personally requesting with a great hope towards all the Parliamentarians and the Legislative Assembly and Council Members of Union as well as all of the States to come forward to curb this social curse or problem i.e., the Naxalism, whatever you coined with a great care and in a compassionate way by forgetting all the political enmity amongst you and enact proper laws which are congenial for our country. Because at the end of the day it is our country, our nation, a single country, a single nation. Despite various races, caste, colour, creed, ‘WE ‘ all are Indians only, nothing else. If we do that successfully and a systematic way by the help of each and every citizen co-operating with each other, we must achieve and emerged as No. 1 position among the most peaceful nation of the world in the near future. Hope you (the Parliamentarians and the Legislative Assembly and Council Members of Union as well as all of the States) are fulfilling not only my dreams but the dreams of most of the countrymen of our country called ‘INDIA’.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:28:10 +0000

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