If all - TopicsExpress


If all Labor,Police,Military,Chemist,Biologist,Psychologist,Psychiatrist,Doctors,Surgeons,Engineers,CEOs,and all other labor and degree work is replaced by Technology,learning programs,robotics,drones,and more where does that leave all the workers,wealthy,and even most business owners?This with Mass production of everything not mad to last filling up landfills and dumps closing up towns,municipalities,and cities nation wide while it waste,pollutes,makes toxic,and Drives by force the Cost,Prices,and Inflation to the Universe and Beyond closing business,making no jobs,and forcing crime,mental illness,loss,Pharmaceutical use,cages for cash,slavery for life by felony,and more raising taxation massively does what to you,your loved ones,and fellow peoples?As technology,Robots,learning programs,and more even replace all the degree holders as it takes the wealth even from the wealthy will do what?As Welfare,Benefits,Pensions,the military,police,and public service peoples work is cut,downsized,and closed up while robots hell is replacing them all will do what to them,there families,and fellow citizens?All because they continue to buy crap that does not last like cell phones,computers,pressed wood furniture,Aluminum engines,and not legalizing hemp,making a self sustaining and supporting system,and no guilty verdicts in all courts,making it all to last so we have a comeback kid win.That is unless you like the idea of slavery,destruction,and death of you,your loved ones,and peoples.Then only the evil that done it in slavery robot land awake yet tere is a reason they make packaging to throw away when it can be made to be one like old milk bottles only better with nowadays technology.It also fills up land fills and is part of the Mass production of everything not made to last GENOCIDE..
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:33:48 +0000

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