If it were easy, anyone would do it! After hitting rock bottom - TopicsExpress


If it were easy, anyone would do it! After hitting rock bottom back in mid May after my last powerlifting competition, I decided there and then that things had to change. I had put 8kg since November of last year, yes some of it was muscle, but a LOT of it was body fat (I could tell from my clothes). I was absolutely miserable. Although I was all smiles and happy dani to everyone around me, deep down I was crumbling inside. Coming from an over weight background and subsequent eating disorder, I felt as though I was regressing backwards into the old Danielle - no confidence, sad, feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, basically letting my physical appearance effect every single aspect of my life. Yeh, I dont need a psychologist to tell me that this was not good! And it most definitely wasnt a pathway that I wanted or desired to go down again. To others I looked perfectly fine, strong and athletic looking. But what others believed didnt make any single difference to me or how I felt. So what did I do? I put a stop to it. I decided to change what was making me unhappy. I set myself a new goal, got focused, put the negative thoughts in the closet, and worked my *ucking ass off day in and out for months. I completely changed my diet and training style as training and eating purely for power just wasnt working for me. 4 months on and I am in such a happier place. Im me again, as corny as it may sound! Im dropping the fat (albeit slowly), and Im even getting stronger, which I never thought I could do! I may even be stronger than what I was back at my last competition. I know Im definitely faster and lighter as a result of reintroducing HIIT back into my training. Im rarely hitting reps of 3-5s anymore, rather Im getting a pump on with reps of 10-15s (heavy too as you seen from my recent posts and videos). Im training for hypertrophy now (like a physique model/body builder/athlete) while also keeping my strength up in my compound lifts. 4 months on and Im in a much happier place, especially mentally. But this isnt the end of the road. It never is! Once you get a taste for success, you always want more. Thats what keeps me motivated and focused. To beat the old me! In another 4 months, mid January, believe me Ill have an even better progress photo. There is no stopping me now! Yeh, Ill have my bad weeks and days were I want to give up. But Ill fight through it, head on! Fight like a warrior.. Fight for what I know I can and will achieve! Im super excited to see the up and coming results of being on Darraghs infamous CMB programme. Im really enjoying how Im training and dieting, and the results are starting to show. It trueky is amazing what you can achieve once you put your mind to it! ☺️ Getting ripped to bits! ( Photo on the left was taken back in April just before the Europeans, photo on the right was taken about 2/3 weeks ago) #motivation #transformation #cmbtraining
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:29:23 +0000

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