If the creation of the Prophet peace be upon him is the Quran and - TopicsExpress


If the creation of the Prophet peace be upon him is the Quran and what he brought, let us know on this morality : First: humility The humility in the House of the Prophet had drawn from the great Quranic guidance , says God Almighty : ( ( not Tassar cheek people do not walk in the ground merrier God does not love each braggart boaster ) ) [ Luqman : 18 ] So it was narrated from Abu Saeed al- may Allah be pleased with him , he said: ( ( The Messenger of Allah Hays mature , and it make sense camel , and left the house, and milking sheep , and A_khasv soles , and patched dress , and eat with his servant , and grinds him if he is tired , and buys Heye market Faihmlh to his family , and shaking hands with the rich and the poor , and large and small , and delivers a beginner on both greeted him , from small or large, black and red , free and Abd ) ) [ revival of the science of religion 3/306 ] It is his humility peace be upon him that he was in the book , and ordered his companions Btho sheep , someone said : Ali slaughtered , and another said : Ali skinned , and a third said : to cook , said the Prophet peace be upon him : ( ( and to collect firewood ) ) They said, O Messenger God , Enkvek work , he said: ( ( I learned that you Tkovnni , but you hate to discriminate , and that God hates the servant that he sees distinct among his companions ) ) [ Qiraaah 4 : 265 ] The said peace be upon him : ( ( humility , but no more than slave elevation , Humble yourselves therefore he may exalt you God ) ) [ treasure Workers ] He said peace be upon him : ( (Allah Almighty revealed to be humbled , so as not to boast one on one , no one wants to a ) ) [ treasure Workers ] It is his words peace and blessings at the urging of humility saying: ( (Do not Ttroni as Christians extolled the son of Mary , but I say, Abdullah Abdullah and His Messenger ) ) [ biography of Ibn Hisham ] Second : Honesty Ive had the qualities of honesty of the Prophet peace be upon him , and in ignorance of Islam , it was known as Muhammad Quraish before that descends upon the revelation Saadiq Secretary . Even when the message began , and he wanted to call his honesty Qureshi admitted before talking about his message , when ascended Safa said : ( ( O two mornings ) ) , in order to meet his Quraish, I met immediately and said to him : owner? He said: ( ( Do you see that I told you that the enemy Msubhkm or Mmsakm , either you believe me ?) ) They said: Yes , what you falsely tried . He said: ( ( I warner to you in the hands of a severe torment ) ) Here is the king of the Roman Hercules and the Roman Emperor asks Abu Sufyan in the footsteps of Quraysh after Khudaibiya says: Do you ever accuse him of lying before he said what he said ? Abu Sufian said : No, he said, the king of the Romans : What was beyond lying to people and lying to God . [ Date Tabari 3 : 86 ] In the Koran honesty recipe described by the Prophet peace be upon him says: ( ( And when the believers saw the parties said this is what we promised God and His Messenger, and the truth of God and His Messenger, and bestowed only faith and recognition of ) ) [ parties : 22 ] God said: ( ( O ye who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful ) ) [ Repentance : 119 ] And Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( ( you honesty , truthfulness leads to righteousness , and righteousness leads to Paradise) ) [Bukhari and Muslim and others ] Third: Secretariat Ive ordered the Koran cold Secretariat praised this matter, and after it the intimidation of treason Almighty said : ( ( God commands that trusts to their owners , and if people are going to judge with justice ) ) . [Women: 58 ] The advancement of the Prophet peace be upon him to notify the message that God Aútmh him and asked him to be carried out , Vbulgha people have reported the greatest , and the greatest performance of what will be done , and endured the most difficult in the process of what tolerated by humans. The people knew the secretariat of the Prophet peace be upon him before his mission , were called the Secretary [ biography of Ibn Hisham , Tabari and date of 2/251 ] It is one of the scenes that show us the Secretariat of the Prophet peace be upon him that Jabir Ibn Abdullah said : I came to the Prophet peace be upon him which is sacrificed in the mosque , he said: ( ( Pray two rakahs ) ) , and it was me and made me Vqadana religion . [ Open Alambda : 2/229 ] The varied and numerous sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him , which urges the Secretariat to carrots and sticks , including: What Narrated Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( ( Allah said : Three- I opponent the Day of Resurrection : a man gave me and then betrayed , and a man who sold freely ate its price , and the man who hired laborer Vastopy him to work and did not Iovh wages ) ) [Bukhari] Fourthly : Fulfilling The fulfillment of the Covenant , and Aden forget or neglect of all duty create a cream , and so it was the Prophet peace be upon him where the shop the best and foremost supreme , Fofaah and its relevance to Erhamh was exemplary , and the right of him that is a master of loyal Heres what proves this fact : [*] An interview with Abdullah ibn Abi Ahamads when he said : pledged allegiance to the Prophet peace be upon him to sell before they send out and kept him rest Vuadth that will come to them in place and forgot, then remembered after three , I came if is in place , he said: ( (Oh boy Ive slashed Ali Ive been here waiting for three ) ) [*] Al-Bukhari narrated in the literature for single Anas bin Malik said : The Prophet, peace be upon him if he brought a gift : ( ( just go to the house of so and so , it was a friend of Khadija , it was under Khadija ) ) Any fulfillment of this Aaebad of God? It honors the loved ones of Khadija and her friends after her death, God bless them . Fifth: Justice Ive ordered the Koran justly said Almighty O ye who believe Be steadfast witnesses for Allah Martyrs installment does not hatred of any people seduce not Tadloa Adloa is nearer to piety , and fear Allah, Allah is Aware of what you do The exhortation of the Prophet peace be upon him on justice and equality in many conversations after hitting ideals and role models for people in practice _ Said peace be upon him : ( ( There is no slave Astraah but Allaah advice but did not find the smell of paradise ) ) [ pearls and coral 1:30 ] _ And said peace be upon him : ( ( Muslim brother Muslim does not oppress him nor betray him , and was in need of his Muslim brother was in need of God ) ) _ And the peace and blessings of Justice investigates and adjusts between his wives and then excused to Rabbo, a Moshfeq afraid says: ( (Oh God, this sections as I have not Telmna as have I do not have ) ) _ Hassan was said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him does not take a disgusting one , do not believe one on one . Shit : charge and guilt . Sixth: Generosity The generosity Mohammadi was proverbial , and it was peace be upon him does not respond fluidly . A man has asked a suit was worn Fajalaa went in , then came out in his hand and gave them . In Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Jabir bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him , said : Asked what the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him something never said no . Said Anas bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him : ( ( Asked what the Messenger of Allah never said anything not) ) Suffice to infer the generosity of Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him talk Bukhari from Ibn Abbaas was asked about the presence of the Prophet and his generosity , he said: The Messenger of Allah finest people , and the most generous in the month of Ramadan when Jibreel revelation Quraan with him . And how not to be a beloved peace be upon him Akram people and Ajodhm absolutely have descended upon the words of the Lord : ( (and Onafqatm of anything, it is replaced by a best of providers ) ) [ Saba : 39 ] Seventh: asceticism What is meant asceticism asceticism in this world , and that desire them , and you do not want them , so by requesting an application does not shove , does not preclude the performance of duty , closing the door of greed in breeding them and Altazad of pleasures , which increased to as much as needed, and heres the attitudes that indicate that Prophet is recommended upon him was the most ascetic of people : He said peace and blessings of life has entered it and found him on the bed of Adam filling Lev said: The fractions and Caesar sleeping on such and such , and you are the Messenger of Allah sleep on such and such , he said to him, the Prophet peace be upon him : ( (Mali and minimum Hey Omar , but I a passenger shelter in the shadow of a tree and then claimed the left ) ) And saying peace be upon him in the right : ( ( If I had had such a gold because I was pleased to spend three times but I ve got so and so the only thing balances of religion ) ) This is the largest manifestation of the reluctance of Sadiq , who was beloved peace be upon him live it and possess it. The peace and blessings the Lord calls , saying : ( ( Oh God, make a living Mohammed Al Kvava ) ) without any increase nor decrease . She said Aaishah : Matt Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and -care home in cheesed eat a liver only halves of barley in my rack . Eighth: literature and good considerate The creation of one of Kamal Hassan and his company go out with him to his family , and the perfection of his literature in Mkhaltth to others , was a beloved peace be upon him in the proverbial good companionship and beautiful cohabitation and literature communion Here are these examples : [*] Said Anas bin Malik : I served the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ten years and never told me F , and said something she created not created ? Nor did cheesed left his legacy ? [*] And described Ali may Allah be pleased with him , said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wider breaststroke people , and people believe the tone , Olinhm complaisant , and the most honorable ten . [*] Said Aisha : What was a better attitude of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him what he called one of his friends nor his family , but he said: ( ( Beck ) ) Any answered his call . [*] Describing son Abhi aura which is true : he was always human beings , easy creation, Lin side , not Bfez not thick , nor Skhab , nor Vhac , and flaws , nor Maddah , left out what does not and do not Aaas craves it. The answer from the called , and accept who gave him the gift , even if the sponsor Shah and equivalent to it. [*] Al-Tirmidhi narrated from Abdullah ibn Salaam that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( O people Spread peace , food and feed , and arrived in the womb , and pray at night when people are asleep you will enter Paradise in peace ) ) [*] Said Aazib may Allah be pleased with him : The Messenger of God and face the best people and best in attitude , narrated by Bukhari and Muslim Suffice it said in a statement literature peace be upon him and good considerate and beautiful Mkhaltth say Lord , the Almighty in which : ( ( the great mercy of God Lent if youre rough and the heart to shake around you forgive them and ask forgiveness for them and go ahead it determined, then put your trust in God that God loves those who trust ) ) [Table : 159 ] Vdzah God richly rewarded for his nation . Ninth: fear God and worship along One manifestation of the fear of God and the length of worship : He used to pray at night until Taataftr feet , when he is asked in that said : ( ( should not I be thankful slave ) ) The true about peace be upon him , he said : ( ( and made the apple of my eyes in prayer ) ) And Aisha said, was the work of the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him and Dima , and endure what was of you endure ! . And she said, was used to fast until we say : Do not break the fast . And break even say : not fast . And the like from Ibn Abbas , and mother Salma , and Anas . And she said, you do not want to see at night , but I saw him praying , praying , and not asleep , but I saw him asleep . And said Auf bin Malik : I was with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him night Vastak then he does wudoo , then he prayed , I got up with him , he began Vasfh cow , there goes a verse mercy only to stop , he asked , and does not pass a verse torment only stop so seek refuge , then knelt and he stayed as much as he says : Glory and a mighty kingdom and greatness , then bowed and said like that , then read Al-Imran , then Surat Surat , he does like it. And for Hathifa like him, and he worshiped the order of his , and sat between the two prostrations Nhawwamenh , and said : even read the cow , and Al-Imran , and women , and the table. And Aisha : The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace from the Koran in any night . Here are some of Muhammadiyah Arts : [*] Was peace be upon him sit with the poor and Aaakl poor , and up with mercy is that Aatherhm on who is the best of them . [*] Tabs party looks to the ground, and lower his gaze placidly and literature , look to the ground longer than look to the sky for modesty among the people , and undergoing God .. if the head bird . [*] and it was prayer and peace encourage people , and he proceeded to freak people thereof, before them, and sheltering people do, and what will be one closer to the enemy than . [*] and it was prayer and peace Gelads address him as fits . It was narrated from Zaid ibn Thabit , said : If we sat down to His Messenger, if we said in an interview in the Hereafter , taking with us , and that we mention in the world, taking with us , and that we mention in the food and drink, taking with us. [*] And was peace be upon him if saddened is alarming to prayer , turned it, and he liked being alone by himself to the male and reflection and meditation and a review ordered . [ *] was initiated from extended to peace and salute and is a sign of humility. [*] was not wrong with food offers it never , but if he likes to eat it, though he did not like leaving . [*] speaks to the extent of need, no curiosity nor shortened . [*] did not get angry for himself not win it . [*] people ask what the people , to be knowledgeable of their status and their affairs. [*] and not sitting and not based only on the male . [*] and the Prophet peace be upon him patched robe , and A_khasv his shoe , and eat with a slave , and sitting on the ground, and shaking hands with the rich and the poor and .. Do not despise Myskina paragraph .. and do not take away his hand from the hand of one is even deprive , and delivers on was received from the rich and poor , and large and small . O separation and Park him on the servant and messenger Muhammad (PBUH) References : Literature singular Bukhari Morals of Ibn Abi minimum and cartographic Wrote merits and morality of the Prophet peace be upon him It is the most beautiful contemporary books that stood out in this matter. Morality of my departure is a beautiful book . And Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds sport4ever.maktoob/t465875/
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:42:52 +0000

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