If this helps anyone, these are the platforms of AGENDA FOR A FREE - TopicsExpress


If this helps anyone, these are the platforms of AGENDA FOR A FREE AND STRONG AMERICA: Mitts plan: Promote small business and entrepreneurship (with lower taxes, especially where there is “double taxation,” by eliminating outdated and burdensome regulations, by refusing to impose unions on employees, and by enacting tort reform) Stop the trillion-dollar deficits, and spend only what we have. No more borrowing for unnecessary “nice to have” government programs. Publish an annual balance sheet for the country Adopt dynamic regulations Reduce and simplify taxes, especially double taxes that depress job creation. Do not allow taxes to be raised. Adopt a “strong dollar” strategy, including spending restraint and entitlement sustainability reforms Reform entitlements to make them sustainable in the long term and to honor all the promises that have been made to our seniors Adopt an annual budget process for entitlements Reform tort liability to reduce the burden of frivolous lawsuits Stop any new “government-growing” stimulus program Get the government out of General Motors—and other private companies Increase our investment in science and basic research Promote trade and American goods and services, insisting on intellectual property protection Protect the right of workers to vote by secret ballot Establish incentive and employer-based job-training programs to help people find new and sustainable employment Reform immigration to attract and retain talent, simplify the legal processes, and end illegal immigration Encourage shareholders and boards of directors to adopt reasonable compensation and long-term incentives for CEOs and executives Encourage the measurement of corporate CEOs and union CEOs on the basis of teamwork, productivity, and long-term success of the enterprise Test and enact consumer-market-like incentives in health care, at the state and federal level, including HSAs, co-insurance options, single-fee structures, etc. Let states craft their own programs to insure the uninsured, providing flexibility in the use of federal funds that already go to the states Enable insurers to establish incentives for healthy living and preventative care Reform medical malpractice Reform nuclear regulations to provide safety, not to block nuclear plants Build new nuclear power plants Promote coal and coal CO2 sequestration technology Promote natural gas and establish the infrastructure for it to fuel power plants and transportation fleets—immediately Explore and develop new oil and gas wells, off and onshore Develop, test, and promote incentives to encourage energy efficiency investments by private and public users Establish a comprehensive energy security plan—a “no-regrets plan”—that frees us from dependence on oil oligopolists and that reduces our emissions of greenhouse gases Endeavor to establish global international energy an greenhouse gas policies that reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and global dependence on oil Establish an Index of Leading Indicators to measure America’s long-term strength Stand by our allies and friends including Colombia, Israel, Poland, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Ukraine, etc. Fast-track NATO admissions of our friends Promote and defend democracy and Western values around the world, including i Honduras and Iran Deploy far-greater soft-power resources, with accountability, budgets, and regional envoys End the practice of pursuing meaningless agreements that will not be honored by others Establish a forum for democracies to collaborate and promote freedom, using NATO as a foundation Maintain a defense budget of at least 4 percent of our GDP, and at least twice the actual and comparable military spending of either Russia or China Add at least 100,000 troops to our ground forces; provide top quality care and benefits to our veterans Immediately replace and repair essential equipment and armament that has been lost in conflicts Update our nuclear deterrent Do not agree to reduce our nuclear capabilities such that we fall behind Russia; consider their “tactical” nukes Expand our commitment to missile defense Return our navy and air force to the levels needed to meet their respective missions Increase our commitment to defend against discontinuities, cyber-attack and space attack. Establish Special Partnership Forces to aid in removing insurgencies Push our allies to carry their fair share of the military requirements Attract top students to become teachers, with higher starting salaries Open pathways into teaching for individuals who have excelled in other fields Pay teachers like the professionals they are, and provide opportunities for advancement and mentoring Promote the use of student-performance measures, and do not prevent the use of these in the evaluation of teacher effectiveness Promote school choice, with vouchers, charter schools, etc. Promote cyber-learning, at school and at home Do not allow teachers’ unions to prevent the few ineffective teachers from being removed from the classroom Do not allow teachers’ unions to prevent higher pay for better teachers and for those with skills in short supply Encourage states to develop programs that prepare parents of at-risk children for education Promote state and local programs to keep kids in school—teacher bonuses, mentors, curriculum matching, etc. Endeavor to provide the dignity of work in every safety-net program where that is possible, even if it costs the government more money to do so Teach our children to love America by teaching our history, by describing our patriots, and by extolling America’s greatness as the defender of liberty Teach our children the benefits to them and to their children of getting married before they have babies Remove the marriage penalties from safety-net programs Provide for a father’s financial responsibility in the care of his child, even if not married or in the household Reform campaign finance laws to remove the inordinate power of donation gatherers and to prohibit any organization from assessing individuals for political funds Appoint judges that follow the Constitution rather than invent a new one.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:58:06 +0000

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