If you are a coffee drinker it is the cost of 14 cups of coffee, a - TopicsExpress


If you are a coffee drinker it is the cost of 14 cups of coffee, a gym junkie the cost of half a tub of protein, party goer... well lets be honest $60 is a very cheap night. Please help save Jessel. Hi everyone, I would just like to share with you all my cousins beautiful wife Jessels story, in the hopes that at least a small hand full of people will come and join us raise funds for her Cancer treatment in The Philippines. Jessel has been in a relationship with her high school sweetheart(Mac Mac) for 10 years, they married each other 6 months ago and were expecting their first child. Things took a turn for the worse, Jessel lost her child and has been diagnosed with cancer. She has had three rounds of chemotherapy. People of the Philippines do not share the same wealth that the people of Australia do. Every day spent in hospital is worn by the patient, Mac Mac has exhausted every avenue possible for finances. Chemotherapy costs 100,000 pesos, which is roughly $2,700. This doesnt sound that bad except when you consider the average wage per annum in the Philippines is less than what you earn in Australia in under a month. When I was in Cebu the family were hoping it was the last treatment, Mac Mac was looking forward to having his wife home and Jessel has hope to one day start a family. I spoke with her many times, put myself in her shoes and was amazed at how brave and positive she is when faced with her own mortality saying its in Gods plan. We recently found out that Jessels cancer has become very aggressive and she has been sent home to die because she cannot afford her next round of treatment. The doctors have recognised how much emotional and financial stress the family is under and have told the family to save their money and have sent her home in a wheelchair to die. This beautiful, honest, 27 year old woman is faced with a reality that here in Australia we cannot imagine (the hospital cost situation anyway) Please read Jessels story and ask yourself what value do you put on a life? We propose to run training sessions over the weekend in a public area from 6am till late this Saturday and Sunday the 17th and 18th to try and raise money for Jessel. Jules will be teaching self defence, doing basic pad drill, controlled sparring and grabs, holds, locks and throws, and I will be running fat burning circuits. You can throw Jules, hit him, twist his bones but I guarantee you it will be nothing in comparison to what Jessel feels after a round of chemotherapy. Our goal is to raise as close to $2,700 (10,000 pesos) so Jessel can afford her last round of chemotherapy. Sessions with Jules will go for 60 minutes for $60 (or more if youd like to put more in) And my circuits will be as much as you would like to contribute for as long as you wish! EVERY single cent we earn will go towards Jessel and will be wired via Weston Union on Monday. Things have gotten rather bad for her, rather fast so I have had no time to organise this properly. Time (something you and I take for granted) is not on Jessels side. Please inbox me or text me if you would like a session on the weekend. If you are a coffee drinker it is the cost of 14 cups of coffee, a gym junkie the cost of half a tub of protein, party goer... well lets be honest $60 is a very cheap night. Please help save Jessel. As English is our second language I ask you please to excuse the grammar as this was the original text written by members of our family in The Philippines. Jessel Gepulla Alivio is a 27 years old, female and a resident of Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. After graduated in Secondary Level (High School) she started to work as a company worker so that she can support for her family for their daily needs and expenses, and aside from supporting her family she support her brother Fritz in sending to school so that her brother can finish college or university. When her brother Fritz graduated in university, Jessel resigned from her work and decided to pursue her university degree, and it happened with the help of younger brother Fritz, Frits is the second child of the family, Fritz is the one who work already to support Jessel in her university degree and to support their family. Jessel and Earl Louis Alivio started dating since July 19, 1993 though they experienced the ups and down of having a relationship, still they remained strong for more than 10 years being together. On July 19, 2014 both of them decided to tie a knot as husband and wife. On the mid of October 2014, a good news came, Jessel got pregnant and both of them were so very happy because they will have their own child already. As the fetus became viable in the womb, Jessel experienced difficulty during the pregnancy; first symptom is lower back which the doctor found it out as Urinary Tract Infection, the doctor prescribe some medication to alleviate the infection. Jessel continue her prenatal visit with her OB-Gynecology doctor and it was so said that the baby in her womb is not a viable to become a fetus since it was already 2 months and it doesn’t have a heartbeat and the measurement of the baby in the womb from 0.40cm in her last visit it became 0.28cm so the doctor advised that it will be aborted soon and they just need to wait when it will come out from her womb. But the pain progresses as time goes by, on October 29, 2013 the symptoms became worst as Jessel feels numbness to her lower extremities, and as the day passes on October 31, 2013 she experienced weakness in her lower extremities, she can’t stand on her own, she needs her brother to carry her from the couch to her bed, but still she decided not to seek for a consultation or any medical help because they don’t have money to pay for a doctor. Dawn time of November 1, 2013, Jessel woke up where she can’t feel anything already from her womb down to her toes, so her Husband Earl and family of Jessel decided to seek for a consultation in a government hospital to save some money because it is cheap. It was found out in the Complete Blood Count that she has a low hemoglobin, low platelet, and increase in white blood cells, and another test shows low potassium, so the doctor treated the low potassium hoping that it was the potassium which causes paralysis on her lower extremities. On November 2, 2013 Jessel felt numbness on her upper extremities, the doctors already confused on what is her illness since her repeat potassium on the same day was already normal. The doctor advised Jessel and her family to seek more opinion in much bigger hospital where specialist was there to look for Jessel. Jessel was transferred directly to a tertiary hospital to seek for another medical advised. Jessel took the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which the doctor suspected that a nerve was crush between in spinal cord which made Jessel lower extremities paralysis and another Complete Blood Count shows result for a higher white blood cells and lower platelet count. On the few days, the MRI result was already seen (see attached scanned file for the result) the struggle started when the doctor said that she can’t walk anymore because even a surgery on the crush nerve in her spinal cord can’t help her work and it is useless even the surgery will be successful, she can’t still walk. So, the doctor said, she can’t do anything or help Jessel walk again, so the doctor decided to be out from service. A test was made with Jessel blood which is the bone marrow and the result shows a type of leukemia (see attached scan file for the result). Another struggle started when the hematology doctor found out that her main illness is Leukemia that is why her lumbar area was affected and that is she can’t walk already. Jessel cried when she found out that she has leukemia, her husband Earl cried. Both her family was sad of the bad news, but still Jessel remained strong for her family. Last December 2014 Jessel had her first cycle of chemotherapy with the money they were able to lend and some help of the relatives, friends, and some donations from a government officials, it went good, and it shows some improvement when it comes to her platelet count. And also her spinal cord undergone some series of medication injected to it which hopes it will help her to walk again. But, the struggle is not yet done, Jessel needs to undergo the second until fourth session of chemotherapy but we can’t undergo for the rest of the chemotherapy session because we don’t have any money to pay for her chemotherapy session. For each session we need to have 250,000 Philippine peso (7000 AU Dollar plus) for us to be able have the chemotherapy. This includes the medication, a one month stay in the hospital and the professional fee for doctors. We tried to ask some help in some government institution and charities but we failed to ask some financial assistance all they said it they don’t have any budget yet to give. And with that, Jessel can’t have her second session because the doctor will not undergo the second session if we don’t have the money or budget. We, the family and in laws of Jessel, are knocking to someone who has a good heart to help us to raise a fund for her session, and to help us to save a life to a person who is still fighting to live and see the beautiful creation of our Lord God. Maraming Salamat sa inyong lahat sa pagbigay oras sa pagbasa at sino man ang magbigay nang donation ikaligaya ko sa buong puso.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:40:57 +0000

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