If you are a religious person whose faith depends on the exclusion - TopicsExpress


If you are a religious person whose faith depends on the exclusion of others because of who they are, or if you mix religion & politics and/or work yourself into a froth by generalizing human beings into neat little boxes, do us both a favor and unfriend me now. Save me the trouble of doing it myself. Also, you might ask yourself why you friend-requested me in the first place: I mean, SERIOUSLY, yall, what about my page or my profile or my general comment-making leads to the conclusion that I welcome homophobic ignorance or bigoted beliefs? Had I known that your raison dêtre seems to be judging others, I never would have clicked Approve. You must have been hiding the crazy really well the day you friend-requested me, because I ALWAYS look at who Im approving. May I ask you something? Did you CHOOSE to be straight? I didnt. I just AM. Newsflash: You didnt choose to be straight, either, but you ARE choosing to be a closed-minded homophobe or a bigot whose ignorance is lit up like the 4th of July every time you open your mouth. My LGBT friends are as entitled to BE as my Straight friends, and I am an Ally. So, homophobes, go BE who you are... over there. And Ill be over here, not having to see your closed-minded BS. As Jack Nicholson says in As Good As It Gets--- Go sell crazy somewhere else. Were all full up here.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 02:10:54 +0000

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