If you are comp prepping/transforming/fat lossing and you are - TopicsExpress


If you are comp prepping/transforming/fat lossing and you are worried about your results, even if just a smidgen, YOU need to read the following blog. I am verging on week 8 and STILL nothing is changing. I am getting beyond frustrated. I have already had my ‘girl mental break down’. That was at week 7. Actually that is a whole nother story I titled ‘Perspective….. Girl’. I came out after my shower this morning and mournally announced to my bestie and boyfriend….”nothings changing”… To which my bestie says “nope, it’s not, to be honest with you, no difference in your stomach”. Gee, talk about the truth hurts… So let me spill you the deal. 8 weeks ago tomorrow I decided that I was not prioritising my training/food/goals, and that I would fork out an exorbitant amount of money to train under someone else. All in the aim of getting lean….about say 12% body fat, but I will be happy with hitting 17% first. Yes I know, of course I could do my own diet and training, being responsible for THOUSANDS of transformations, and hundreds of show competitors. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to pass the buck….and give someone else the job. So I make a 4 hour round trip every Wednesday (and sometimes it is a 5 hour trip) to go and see my coach, have my skins done, see how much lean mass I have put on, how much fat I have lost, and then he precedes to train me for sports performance. Problem is, in nigh on 8 weeks I have lost NO weight. None. IN fact, I do believe I have put on 100grams!!! Are you asking who is this coach you speak of? Does he/she know their shit? He is doing something wrong? And to allay you, the reader, and your fears. I am absolutely 100% compliant (exceptions in 8 weeks, extra protein in one day, being sick for 2 and unable to keep the food in, 2 small lattes. Do you know how much mental aerobics I have had? Click on the link below to read more and pass a comment if you can relate to this, and even share your experience and outcome if you like. Others would love to hear.. bodyconquest.au/index.php/body-conquest-fitness-and-health-blog-2/body-conquest-fitness-and-health-blog
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:19:11 +0000

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