If you dont ever read another thing I post, I ask you to consider - TopicsExpress


If you dont ever read another thing I post, I ask you to consider this. as someone who delved deeply into the mystical, the shamanic, the religious and the spiritual for most of my life; I came away with a foundation that includes all of these things. but I found that the important thing was to use these foundations of the Piscean Age as a building block to the next....the Age of Aquarius. for those of you who are equally adept, you know what I am talking about. if you dont, following are descriptions from MANY different sources of the astrological and mystical significance of the age we are currently moving into. it is a Golden Age, an Age of Enlightenment. we have just moved out of the Age of Materialism which allowed for the advancement of technologies that are necessary to usher in the next. now it is up to us to blend these technologies with ancient wisdoms in a fully participatory and passionate way to create the best possible outcome. i learned these things sitting at the feet of Qero Shamans in Peru. those who keep hiding under the guise of nature or spirituality and rejecting technology....youre just not seeing the big picture. there is a purpose for all of it. nature is a willing participant, for it is nature who has gestated all of these materials in her womb to be used eventually in this evolutionary process. please read on.... Aquarius is all about making the world a better place. Having a strong social conscience, combined with a innovative, visionary intelligence, Aquarius can really make it happen, too! Aquarius is compassionate and caring, but also eccentric and unbound by convention. She values progress and technologies that can revolutionize the world. Information about the influence of Aquarius comes to us through a study of astrology. Aquarius has an intellectual influence which is original, inventive, mystic, scientific and altruistic. If we apply the biblical standard, By their fruits ye shall know them, we would expect to see that the Aquarian Age would be ushered in by original endeavors along all lines connected with science, religion, mysticism, and altruism. Technically speaking, around the year 2,654, we will experience the Age of Aquarius to its maximum. Until then, we will feel its influence increasingly. It is an age characterized by technical progress, by technology, by spectacular inventions. What is more, the influence of the Age of Aquarius invites us to show altruism and favour scientific, systematic or technological solutions. Those whose careers will be specialized in these fields will certainly be at an advantage. To love oneself and others: The Age of Aquarius invites us to elevate our souls through love of our fellow man and to take the scientific and technological means at hand to improve our comfort and well-being. Hence, Man shall fully achieve his role on Earth by asserting himself as the King of Creation, attaining self-fulfillment and self-control, and controlling nature. As we enter the Aquarian Age, what will our new gods be? Aquarius rules technology and radical thought, invention and ascension. The last Aquarian age (around 28,000 BC) marked the end of the Neanderthal and the birth of Cro Magnon man. Will our species be similarly transformed over the next 2500 years? We can try to predict the future, but life has a way of evolving in ways that are impossible to foresee. and finally.... Transhumanism is both a reason-based philosophy and a cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition by means of science and technology. Transhumanists seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:57:15 +0000

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