If you dont get it yet, seek out and talk WITH someone with first - TopicsExpress


If you dont get it yet, seek out and talk WITH someone with first hand experience of this type of unfair treatment. SOME cops are on power trips & have short fuses. DE-ESCALATE the situation. Be SLOW to reach for the handcuffs. If you are so scared for your safety, get a different job. This was in an office building setting with cameras around. Ridiculous. We need P-E-A-C-E officers in the job, NOT Gestapo that EXPECT full, absolute, and INSTANT OBEDIENCE to irrational questioning. And if the person is leaving the scene of the incident there is NO reason to pursuit. Same with the HIGH SPEED vehicle chases a while back. ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. NO, CITIZENS/HUMANS DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY OFFICERS AND NO, THE COURTS ARENT THE RECOURSE SINCE THEY ARE UNFAIR TOO. The real solution is for people to stop giving in, sticking up for, and not questioning supposed authority. It damn well should be scary to try to take away someones freedom by questioning, detaining, or bossing around another human being!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:33:17 +0000

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