If you ever wondered what it means to be a Constitution - TopicsExpress


If you ever wondered what it means to be a Constitution Conservative, read this excerpt from Mark Levins podcast. from the podcast- Our Constitution is intended to protect us from a central government that would take advantage of us as individuals.-- We are Americans. So for the Founding Fathers, individual liberty was not possible without private property rights. For the Founding Fathers, the only legitimate government was not only one that was instituted with the consent of the people, but one that would preserve and protect the individual’s right to property. Jefferson talked about it, talked about ‘tyranny of the legislature.’ So the consent of the governed is only part of it. But the government never has the authority to be tyrannical; it never has the authority to seize your property illegitimately. Private property represents the individual’s labor, your labor, your initiative, your industriousness, your ambition, and so forth. We all have an equal right, an unalienable right as they wrote in the Declaration to pursue happiness. That especially involves the pursuit of property and wealth – not that materialism makes you happy, the point was so you can at least subsist, but even more expand your wealth and improve your lifestyle and that of your family. We do not have a “right” to equal results and outcomes. And this is the battle – we do not have a right to make demands on the labor and property and wealth of another individual, for that individual also has unalienable rights. The purpose of government in the United States of America, according to the Founders is first and foremost to protect and preserve the individual’s unalienable rights. These rights are God-given natural rights: no man, no government has the authority to deny them or destroy them. That is not to say that we as a community or society ought not look out for our fellow man; we did this even before there was a massive, leviathan State. We did this through good works, through charity, through churches and synagogues, through volunteerism, through good acts all the time. Most of us do not mind being taxed at a rational level to help take care of those who are truly incapable of survival due to physical or mental disabilities. That is different than redistributing the wealth. That is different than “spreading the wealth.” That is different than class warfare. Our Constitution is intended to protect us from a central government that would take advantage of us as individuals. It does not grant power to the federal government to violate our unalienable rights. It does not authorize the federal government to take the fruits of our labor, whether physical or intellectual, to “spread the wealth” for “economic justice” or anything of the sort. The Constitution does not empower anyone, especially the President of the United States, to take our labor, our property, our wealth from us and our families in order to equalize economic outcomes. I don’t care what you are worth. To say that some person has a right to another person’s labor simply because one person demands it, or because a politician thinks it can be put to better use, or because a group of people think it can be put to better use and vote that way, does not make it Constitutional nor does it make it moral, and it clearly violates the unalienable rights of the person who is being targeted. When the government seizes the power to take what you have earned with your own labor and put it to an illegitimate use, then government has power that is not recognized in the Declaration or the Constitution. Since property rights are inextricably tied to an individual’s liberty, the government is expanding its power not only over your labor, but over you, as a human being. This is exactly what is happening today. This is exactly what you hear Obama saying in these speeches. He is claiming a power he does not have. That is, the power to decide whose labor is to be protected by the government, and whose labor is to be seized by the government. Obama is saying that the government has the power to take whatever it needs from an individual, thereby punishing that individual and rewarding some other individual who has not earned it. They call this “a right.” You have a “right” to health care, a “right” to go to school; you have a “right” to this, a “right” to that. But somebody else is losing their liberty, in support of this politician who is stealing from one to give to another. And by the way, not altruistically either, but for power and votes. This is said to be “just”; this is said to be “fair.” This is said to be “compassionate,” yet it violates the individual’s unalienable rights and the limits the Constitution places on the federal government. There is nothing fair, just, or compassionate about it. The reason why liberals cannot tell you ‘what are the limits of this new power’ is because there are not any limits. The government identifies what’s unequal, what program it wants to fund or create, what “entitlement” it wants to create or expand, calls it a “right” and then plunders individuals that it targets. You might think ‘why do I care? Let me have my piece.’ … Your children are also, under God granted unalienable rights, recognized by our Declaration. Your children, and their labor, and their motivation, and their ambition, and their industry, and who they want to be, and how they want to be, is also protected by the United States Constitution. If Obama and people like him, people of this alien ideology who reject unalienable rights, who reject the limits of the Constitution are successful, then what are you? What are your children? They will not have the freedom that your parents and grandparents had. They will not have the ability to be successful, to pursue opportunities, to improve their lifestyles, to take care of their families the way that you, your parents, and your grandparents have. This is fundamental ladies and gentlemen…we need to get back to first principles. … What is an American? What is the American society? What is the American culture? It’s completely different; it’s the opposite of what you hear Obama saying day in and day out. [emphasis added] – Mark Levin, The Mark Levin Show, 4/19/2011 ~2:00-10:30
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 11:07:03 +0000

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