If you hate me or against me than I will stand for you because I - TopicsExpress


If you hate me or against me than I will stand for you because I Believe in every single one of you! Why? because I want all people to be Saved and have an eternal life! If you still hate me than I proclaim in Jesus Name that all hearts to be restored right now! I want to give you all a hug and wash your feet if I will have a chance or if I will see you because I love you the same way as Jesus Loves me and all of us! I am not sure how many more days I got to live because Jesus will soon take me home, but I want to tell you all that I am standing for you no matter what you think or Believe because Jesus has a wonderful plan for you! You are so precious to me no matter how you look like because I have health problems that make me suffer, but I know that one day Jesus will take me home!In the Bible says: Bless your enemy and those who persecute you and hate you. So that is what I will do everyday until I die no matter what will happen to me. I will lay my life for you because in Bible says: there is no greater love than if someone will lay their life for their friend. So I am waiting for that moment to lay my life for anybody who will be in danger because I love you all! I hope that the message will encourage you not to give up, but Love and stand for Truth! I am praying for you daily so all your prayers that you pray would be answered! God is pouring his Love upon me from inside out that I cant keep it inside! I am not offending anybody, but I am encouraging those whos hearts are broken. Every person is struggling with something so I want to encourage you no matter what you Believe that there is Hope for hopeless, there is Healing for sick and broken, there is Salvation for lost! We as people need to stand for each other like an army to help each other up no matter what. I used to play game before I got saved that when I sent people together they destroyed the city, but when I divided them they all died. We need to Love one another because if we will do that than we will able to survive and live. I love all people no matter what religion, tradition, race, or whatever they are. Lets stand for Truth and do what is right by doing good for other people! You are amazing! I will take your place if something happens to you! I ask God to punish me instead of the precious people who are innocent. I have done so much evil that I have to be in hell by now, but Jesus loved so much that He came and gave his own life for me and for you my precious! Jesus knew your struggles and He came 2000 years and took all your shame, guilt, fear, and many things that you cant overcome!! Jesus told me: I have paid the price for you so you are mine forever. From that moment I completely surrendered my life to Jesus and I began to have a very strong relationship with Jesus every day. Here is what I said to Jesus when I made a chose to follow Him: Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I confess my sins before You this day. I denounce Satan and all his works. I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life. Thank You for saving me. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose from the dead. I am saved. Write my name in the Book of life. Today is my God-day with the Lord Jesus! I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen. As soon as I said that prayer I felt like I became a completely different person and from now on nothing can affect me because when fear, sin, shame or anything tried to come to me it doesnt affect me because I have been born again and Jesus restored , healed, saved and changed me from inside out! I am not talking about religion or trying to convert anybody, but all I am doing is offering you an eternal life that only Jesus can give you! Please like it if you decided to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior because that is what I did, and I have eternal life! I encourage you to take the step forward because I tried everything and I was still empty, but when I accepted Jesus I became a new person. I dont mean that my problems are gone, but I mean than there is no problem that can affect me because Jesus is Leading and I am following Him. I Trust my whole life to Jesus alone because he knows what I need and dont need! If you want to know more about Jesus and what he have done for all of us than as soon as you click like because that us when I will send you a link about who Jesus is and what He have done for you!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 18:50:17 +0000

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