If you refuse to vaccinate your children, do me a favor: take - TopicsExpress


If you refuse to vaccinate your children, do me a favor: take yourself & your children far far far away from me & mine; I found ignorance & stupidity to be highly contagious and I dont want my kids catching it. Because of vaccines, diseases like measles, mumps, and meningitis are hardly heard about... Except on the evening news, because theyre so rare! That may change if Antivaxxers have their way... The signs are all there, man... Its a conspiracy! Just The Facts Antivaxxers will cite all sorts of studies about vaccines, none of which they actually have read or understand. Antivaxxers want their children to be martyrs. None of us has a constitutional right to make others sick by refusing to get vaccinated. Jenny McCarthy is NOT an immunologist. Association does NOT equal Causation You know how you think to yourself, Man, if only I hadnt drank that much beer, I wouldnt be in jail right now. Yes, drinking beer is associated with ending up in the slammer, but did the beer cause you to be incarcerated? You fail to mention the fact that you had two pounds of Colombian all-white stuffed in your pants. Thats why the police threw you in jail when you were frisked at the entrance to the party, not because you were drunk. Antivaxxers use the same arguments. They deny evidence against their argument that vaccines cause horrible, horrible side-effects and only pay attention to evidence that supports their argument. To them, anything, and I mean anything, that happens after getting a vaccine is the vaccines fault. Thats it, end of argument. Celebrities are NOT Experts Celebrities have this weird pull on the American public. They have their groupies and their fan clubs, and people in those groups will do anything for the celebrities. Anything. So it stands to reason that, if a celebrity tells you that vaccines are bad for you, you might give the claim some credence. Jenny McCarthy is one such celebrity. Her and her beau Jim Carrey (you might know him), are strong supporters of Generation Rescue. The group is convinced that stuff in vaccines causes autism and other diseases. Their evidence? Simple. People who have received tiny bits of a germ (or virus) in a saline solution develop brain damage weeks, months, or years afterward. Why, with arguments like that. (Nevermind that people who have received the whole germ during an infection have walked away from it just fine. Upon further review, it seems that Jenny and Jim cant make up their minds as to whether it was the vaccine or the vaccines ingredients that cause autism. (It makes as much sense as not knowing whether its the bread or the meat in a burger that cause your dandruff.) What Constitutional rights? In Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that there is no Constitutional right to endanger the public by refusing to take vaccines. Jacobson in the case was refusing to take the smallpox vaccine at the time of a smallpox epidemic in Massachusetts. In Zucht vs. King, the Court ruled that States have the right to impose health regulations as part of their police powers for guarding public health. Then, in Prince vs. Massachusetts, the Court ruled that religious freedom does not include the freedom to expose the public to dangerous infections. Sadly, Christian Scientists convinced the NY State Legislature in the 1970s to allow exemptions on philosophical differences. When asked for comment, God gave a school run by the First Church of Christ, Scientist a pretty bad polio outbreak. (He likes to make his point.) Guess what vaccine the Christian Scientists were refusing for their kids? Of course, its all a conspiracy! Rabid (no pun intended) antivaxxers will throw at you every argument under the sun on why vaccines are bad and should be avoided like the Jews. No, seriously, they claim Jews are using vaccines to depopulate the earth. What about the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic? A conspiracy by the Obama Administration... These are the same kind of people who claim President Obama is the furthest thing from a Jew, if you know what I mean. A certain blog, called Age of Autism, even went as far as to post an image of vaccine supporters around a dinner table, eating a baby. Why is that so bad? Because of a tiny little thing called the Blood Libel. Since the olden times, anti-Semitic groups have portrayed the Jews as cannibals who kidnap a Gentile baby and then eat it as part of a religious feast. SERIOUSLY! After originally standing up for the post and defending it as quite the bit of satire, the founder of Generation Rescue and organizer of Age of Autism, JB Handley, took down the post. Seriously, talk to your doctor. Why? Because hes a Doctor! Look, the final authority on what is good for you is your doctor. Only he or she is knowledgeable enough to tell you what vaccines you should take and what vaccines you shouldnt. Legitimate reasons for not taking a vaccine include: I have a documented allergy to the vaccine components. I have a pre-existing condition which prevents me from being vaccinated. MY DOCTOR TOLD ME NOT TO. Also acceptable is you getting covered in tar and feathers, appearing before a national audience, and declaring how much of a chickenshit you are about vaccines. If you choose to follow the advice of an online blog, a celebrity, or some guy in his underwear in a basement in suburban London, well, then you might as well die from measles, you idiot.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:41:44 +0000

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