If you truly look at those who have achieved substantial success - TopicsExpress


If you truly look at those who have achieved substantial success in life, you’ll realize that they’re a tad bit odd. In fact, they’re somewhat crazy. If you were to group them together with a bunch of people, you’ll be able to point them out instantly as someone who doesn’t fit by simply interacting with them for a few seconds. This is the case because they stick out like a sore thumb. Some may view this as a negative; however it’s really an advantage. By thinking different and being different, you separate yourself from the norm. The average are always worried about fitting in and this mindset in return keeps them average their entire life. On the flip side, the successful realize that in order to achieve success, you have to be different. Steve Jobs summed it up when he said, “think different, be different.” This brings me to my next point, you have to be crazy. If you’re a true dream chaser, you’ll be aiming for it all. In order to capture dreams and meet your high expectations you have to be crazy. You have to believe that you have what it takes to bring your vision to reality. The mediocre will never reach this point. This is the case because they don’t aim high. They have low standards because they’re not crazy enough to believe that they can achieve what they are aiming for. Therefore they will aim low, very low. This is one of the main differences between the average and the great. So take pride in your differences and in your craziness.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:13:17 +0000

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