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If you want a better understanding, a good daily foreign policy/terrorism analysis website turcopolier.typepad/ by combat decorated US Special Forces Green Berets Colonel Lang who also teaches at Counter-Terrorism, Advanced Warfare Strategy at US Army War College & was the Director of Human Intelligence in the Middle East with decades of expertise living there --he also supports moderate Muslims while against the Muslim extremists/jihadists & critiques the fear-mongering: -his somber assessment & extensive expertise in foreign affairs/Middle East makes him anti-neocon & against the Iraq invasion & against the US policy of arming/funding the jihadists in Libya, Syria as against arming/funding Ukraines neo-Nazi Svoboda, Azov, Right Sector. bing/videos/search?q=La+Marseillaise+Edith+Piaf&FORM=RESTAB#view=detail&mid=EB15ED92FD58B22A4BB6EB15ED92FD58B22A4BB6 Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said the assailants killed a man at the entrance of the building to force entry. They then headed to the second floor and opened fire on an editorial meeting attended by eight journalists, a policeman tasked with protecting the magazine’s editorial director and a guest. “What we saw was a massacre. Many of the victims had been executed, most of them with wounds to the head and chest,” Patrick Hertgen, an emergencies services medic called out to treat the injured, told Reuters. A Reuters reporter saw groups of armed policeman patrolling around department stores in the shopping district and there was an armed gendarme presence outside the Arc de Triomphe. “There is a possibility of other attacks and other sites are being secured,” police union official Rocco Contento said. euronews ----------------------------- IMO this was not IS[Islamic State]. They exhort their people to attack with uncovered faces, seeking martyrdom. This was an AQ operation and in spite of all the moaning on the tube it had a number of defects: 1- They tried to go in the wrong door. This indicates that the planner of the attack was not in the strike group. The assault party would normally have been walked by the door one at a time in the preceding days in a really well run op. 2- Once they arrived at the right door, they had to ask a janitor or someone else like that where the conference room was located. 3- They evidently had a rocket launcher with them (RPG-7?). This would have been for breaching the door to get in. That would indicate that they did not really know much about the security in the building. 4- They should have had a car available to switch to in their escape butthey did not. Instead they hijacked a car from an elderly Frenchman. He asked if he could have his dog from inside the car. They complied with his request. On the positive side from the raiders POV, they knew who to expect to find in the building. They called them out by name before shooting them and they timed the attack to have maximum access to important targets. Charlie Hebdo evidently chose not to harden their doorway. It would have been easy to do. The French Police gave chase immediately and several fire fights ensued in the immediate area and across the northern part of the city. IMO it will not take long to find them in whatever safe house they are lurking. They will then have the chance to dance with the CRS and a Gendarmerie Group dIntervention. I suppose we wont be hearing much about freedom fries, or cheese eating surrender monkies for a while. pl == turcopolier.typepad/sic_semper_tyrannis/2015/01/the-paris-attacks-and-american-fear.html Before we start, a brief Public Service Announcement: The odds of an American being killed in a terrorist attack is 1 in 3.5 million per year!!!!!! As has been widely covered just about everywhere, several gunmen attacked the office of a French satirical publication early today. I highly recommend the BBCs, or really any news services coverage other than the usual American media outlets, to get appropriate, non-hysterical, non-fearmongering coverage. As we see all too often when something happens in the US, our media goes into immediate freak out mode. While this may make for good revenue through advertisement sales, it really does not do much to inform Americans. Several days ago in his post on James Fallows recent article, COL Lang remarked about how easily Americans became fearful after 9-11 and how we have remained that way. We have seen that on display today by think tank fellows (h/t SteveM), retired general officers (h/t Zandar), and sitting members of the House (h/t Zandar) and the Senate (h/t Charles Pierce). Todays media coverage, the informed commentary that it contains, and American reactions will follow the same pattern that both COL Lang and Mr. Fallows lamented - more fear driving more poorly thought out policy responses. It is important to remember that the odds of an American being killed in a terrorist attack is 1 in 3.5 million per year!!!!!! Not that a little thing like facts or reality are likely to make any difference. Finally, before the usual suspects get completely into the swing of things by claiming that Muslims never condemn other Muslims who commit terrorism or who claim their actions are somehow covered under Islam, heres the initial google search result for Muslim, and some Arab, organizations that have already condemned the attacks, even though we are still not sure, other than a witness statement of a screamed Allahu Akbar during the attack, who is actually responsible. Initial Muslim and Arab Condemnations: Al Azhar University and the Arab League Dar al Ifta (Egypts official fatwa issuing organization) Union des Organizations de Islamique de France The French Council of the Muslim Faith Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco, Algeria, and Qatar The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:32:56 +0000

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