If you would or have ever called me friend, this is for.you I - TopicsExpress


If you would or have ever called me friend, this is for.you I was hoping my frustration/concern for an issuue would have subsided by now, but i dont believe it has. This may be laughable for some, offensive to others, and.some may not give a rip, but Ive given up on staying quiet about something.... Not too long ago, my wife and i were part of a particulaly large group that shall remain nameless. We had what we believed to be TONS of friends within that group. Like many others have done, we eventually left that group... not because of the people in that group, or because of people no longer in that group, but because it was best for our family. While not yet official, we then joined another group - many of the people making up this second group are people we had relatopnships with from the previous group... more friends. Up until recently, we had no reason to believe anything was other than cool... between us and friends from group 1 and us and friends from groul 2. Lately, though, we have been noticing that many people from the first group that we believed to be friends, have either un-friended us or complety blocked us from their facebook world (gah... i feel like a 6th grader for even speaking that last part) These arent all necessarily people we spent a lot of time with... but people we would have considered friends... for me personally, many of.which i had laughed with...cried with... prayed with... prayed for... etc. So you could see why i may be bewildered. I said all that to say this... if you can read these words... it is not only because our paths have crossed, but because i at some point hoped they would continue to do so. I have never been one to keep a whole lot of close friends, but I seem to have worked my way into a pretty good network of them on here. I dont give a crap what church, group, or clique you do or dont belong to... whatever the extent of.our friendship is, is sincere and authentic... im not a situational kinda guy... i do my best to stay true to myself as well as my friends and family. For those that cannot read them (due to removing us from your group of friends,) i thank you. Your colors are bright and true to me, and while i dont regret the friendships i thought we had, im glad you cleared up any potential for confusion. As i post this, i expect many more to remove me, and thats ok i suppose. Im just glad to be clearing the air
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 03:00:50 +0000

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