If your at the mall and you see a parent there with their child - TopicsExpress


If your at the mall and you see a parent there with their child who is having a temper tantrum (especially if you dont know the family) the best thing for you to do is to walk away and ignore them. Dont offer candy. Dont give advise. And never ever ever is it ok to attempt to hug or touch said child. Just kindly walk away. Oliver has a hearing impairment that although he can hear sounds at certain frequencies. he can hear higher pitched sounds much more loudly than the average person and there for interprets them differently. This being said when were at a store and there are items being checked into multiple registered at once the beeping of each item is an over stimulation for him. Now add shoppers whipping by and wind whistling in from the doors and he is in a horrible situation. This was our situation leaving walmart today. Here he was crying and screaming for what? Your guess is as good as mine but he just couldnt control himself, he seemed scared to death but his only verbal complaint was that he wasnt having any part of wearing his jacket. I really dont care if hes yelling, kicking and screaming I refuse to reward such behaviour. He has to learn to control his emotions. Someone offered candy to him and seemed surprised when I actually declined their offer. In these times I try to stay calm and in control, stop him from harming himself or others, keep reassuring him that he is ok and encourage him to put on his jacket or what ever todays fit is over with a logical reason. I actually had one lady we dont know come by trying to touch Oliver and hug and kiss him and of course this made him more upset. She refused to leave our side and kept offering advise as to want to do with him. After saying the her he will be ok and flashing a half hearted smile several times, I actually had to out right say Mam Im sorry but Im going to have to ask you to kindly step away from the boy, your only upsetting him further. What do people be thinking? Well thats my rant of the day
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:25:39 +0000

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