If youre involved with network marketing, then you need to read - TopicsExpress


If youre involved with network marketing, then you need to read this. This is one of the few reads that will genuinely motivate, inspire and teach you to become a Pro in the Networking Marketing field. Eric Worre has been a leader in the Network Marketing Profession for over 25 years. In the course of his esteemed career as a top producing Network Marketing Professional, he has: Earned over $15 million Built sales organizations totalling over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries Worked as the president of a $200 million direct-selling company Co-founded and worked as president of his own company, TPN--The Peoples Network Worked as a seven-figure-a-year marketing consultant to the direct-selling industry. Along the way, Eric has purposefully become an accomplished trainer, and has conducted live events with over 250,000 people around the world, teaching them how to also become Network Marketing Professionals. He has shared the stage with Anthony Robbins, the late Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, the late Stephen Covey, Tom Peters, Les Brown, the late Og Mandino, David Bach, Robert Kiyosaki, Harvey Mackay, Art Williams, Ken Blanchard, Tom Rath, Daniel Pink, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Jeffrey Gitomer, Tom Hopkins, and many others. In 2009, Eric founded NetworkMarketingPro, the most-watched training site in the Network Marketing Profession, with an audience in 137 countries around the world. Since its inception, Network Marketing Pro has provided hundreds of free training videos encompassing dozens of interviews with the most iconic and successful Distributors in the world, and the most powerful training events in the Network Marketing Profession. He ends each of his videos with his trademark statement: Ladies and gentlemen, my wish for you is that you decide to become a Network Marketing Professional--you decide to Go Pro--because it is a stone-cold fact that we have a better way. Now lets go tell the world.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:48:16 +0000

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