Im A PROTECTOR! Moving from Aware to Dangerous and Fully - TopicsExpress


Im A PROTECTOR! Moving from Aware to Dangerous and Fully Awake Posted on January 8, 2015 by Lisa Bevere January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. I would love to take this opportunity to move you beyond awareness and observation to response and empowerment. This is one of the reasons why, when I wrote the Lioness Arising Safari Guide, I consulted a personality expert. This expert constructed a quiz to help those who were awakened realize their best path of response. There are four categories of response: Nurturer, Protector, Leader, and Trainer. I believe knowing how we were created to respond goes a long way toward moving people from awareness to action, which translates to women who are dangerous and fully awake. Instructions: If you can answer “yes” to the given question, record the letter (N, P, L, T). Answer “yes” to the question that describes you the majority of the time. For those questions you cannot answer with a “yes,” record no letter. For the first four questions: Only answer “yes” to one of these questions. 1. N: When someone gets angry at me, I tend to ignore the anger, hoping it will go away, or try to soothe the anger and bring about peace. 2. P: When someone gets angry at me, I immediately confront the person or issue, even if it makes that person angrier. 3. L: When someone gets angry at me, I think about it and decide if it is important enough to interrupt my plan or project. 4. T: When someone gets angry at me, I look for ways to learn from the experience, even if it is a difficult one. 5. T: I easily and patiently give instructions without getting frustrated if it takes too long. 6. P: I generally discern or sense danger or that something is amiss before others do. 7. L: I often find myself in roles of leadership. 8. L: I enjoy being in an organized group in which everyone is aware of their responsibilities and roles. 9. N: I consider myself a compassionate person. 10. P: I consider myself an assertive person. 11. N: There are often times when I don’t mind stopping what I’m doing to give time and affection to my husband, children, or others. 12. P: I’m not afraid to take a risk, whether personally, professionally, or for a good or exciting reason. 13. T: I believe I’m a clear communicator and others easily understand me. 14. L: I like to stay focused until I accomplish my goals. 15. T: I enjoy training and teaching others. 16. N: I often comfort others. Scoring: Count the number of each letter you recorded. (Example: N=2, L=4, P=3, T=1; these scores indicate that you left two blank) N= _______ L= _______ P= _______ T= _______ The higher you score in any letter, the stronger you are in that descriptive characteristic. You have aspects of all four categories and could be high in all four, but there will most likely be one that is higher than the rest. The most you can score in any category is 4. The following descriptions will give you more insight into how fearfully and wonderfully made you are, and how you were created by God for His specific assignment. N = NURTURER: You are a woman of compassion, especially toward those you care about. You are accepting, understanding, affectionate, and willing to take time to show those in your life that they matter. You make a wonderful friend. Cuddling on a sofa in front of a roaring fire with your spouse or children would be an ideal way for you to spend an evening. You can be spontaneous and fun, yet you are warm and sensitive. You are a Mary. L = LEADER: As the lioness is valuable to her pride, so are you as a leader to your family, church, or business. You are a woman of vision, able to see the big picture and how and where each person most effectively fits. You are a strategist and a planner. You willingly work under godly authority and easily lead those you have authority over. You are a Deborah. P = PROTECTOR: As a woman, you, like the lioness, are a fierce protector of your home, your children, and those you care about. You watch over them. You, as Proverbs 31:27 says, “looketh well to the ways of [your] household” (KJV). This means you watch over the home—what comes in and goes out in the way of friends, television, books, CDs, DVDs, email, Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else time may bring. As a Protector, you watch for evil trying to infiltrate your home, and like the angel placed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden, you stand guard. You are an Esther destined to protect those you love. T = TRAINER: The woman, as a mother, is designed to be a teacher and trainer in the lives of her children. You set the tone, mood, and ambiance of your home. Like the lioness, you teach your children how to play, where to play, the boundaries of their lives, and the difference between obedience and disobedience. When your children leave the “nest,” you have them ready to enter the world with confidence, knowledge, and character.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:17:26 +0000

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