Im alive but am mute. Im sure several people are probably glad I - TopicsExpress


Im alive but am mute. Im sure several people are probably glad I cannot speak anymore.. woke up with it after an evening I will never, ever forget. Every person who is, in any way, connected to last nights Miss VA production this weekend....THANK YOU. God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought all of us together. We are a team and, in many ways, a family. I am touched beyond words that a dear, deserving friend won the VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR award and that other people who work so hard with their local pageants were also recognized. The contestants were a joy to work with and the cast was STELLAR. Ideas are one thing -- but executing in a whole other process because it takes dedication and commitment from others to help to care about what they are doing. God has given that to us. Everyone worked in tandem last night on headsets and, because you allowed me to be part of that process, we achieved a goal I had set a few years ago. Everyone who was with us again -- GOD BLESS YOU for your hard working and attention to detail. To the new friends God brought into our lives -- especially the cast members I never knew before -- GOD BE WITH YOU, as He has been with Matthew and me. Ill try to find photos later... have been in bed all afternoon and still cannot speak I will say this: I received two very special cards from two special groups of people Friday and Saturday . and I will treasure them -- and each of you -- always. You all epitomize what I believe life is about: following Gods path for our lives (which we sometimes wonder the route) and sharing the gifts and talents He has shared with us, with others. Every person who helped this past week and who is, in any way, part of our Miss VA family -- Matthew and I are blessed and honored to have you in our lives. We love you. And now I think its safe to say Janine and I have five sisters who are so uniquely special.. and, our new Miss Virginias mothers name is .. of all names... Jeanine. I dont believe in coincidences any more. Thank you, everyone!. Ill be in touch when I get my mojo back again. Im very proud and grateful to have worked with all of the talented, intelligent young ladies in the competition - and so touched by all of your thank yous, cards, and hugs afterwards. You are the reason for our PPH season. Each of you is so uniquely special -- NEVER stop being YOU. Courtney, welcome to SW Roanoke. Matthew and I hope to see you around....and Desi, you will always be with us in our hearts. The next time you ring the doorbell, we promise one of us will answer! We love all of you. Have a blessed night.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:23:02 +0000

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