Im beginning to wonder if my particular McDonalds just attracts - TopicsExpress


Im beginning to wonder if my particular McDonalds just attracts bigots? Last time I wrote about this it was about the man who hated gays and blacks (he knew two of each!). Today, I overheard a man say we should ...kill all the Arabs because thats what they ALL want to do to us! (Is he including all the children, too?) Please keep in mind that not all Arabs are Muslims and that not all Muslims are Arabs. Muslims can be white, black, brown, etc. and Arabs are Caucasians just like this man is. My Muslim friends are African-American and my Iraqi doctor saved my life and offered to treat me for free if I didnt qualify for help. They are all quite peaceable as are most of the other Arab and Muslim people I have met. There are different sects of Muslims just like there are different denominations of Christians (over 41,000 different Christian denominations and growing exponentially). Just as some Christian sects are warlike and judgmental while others are peaceable and accepting, so it is with the differing Muslim sects. Just as the different Christian denominations interpret the Bible differently, so it is with the different Muslim sects and the Koran. Theyre not all out to kill people, thank you very much! Muslims got killed in the WTC attack, just like everyone else! (And Im not talking about the hijackers, OK?) I know we all have a habit from time to time (myself included) of prejudging folks based on the groups they may belong to (keep in mind that each PERSON can belong to many GROUPS! Im mostly white but Im also American and a Woman and Own a Cat...You might actually like one of those groups!) :-) We need to take each person INDIVIDUALLY, the Person not the Group. This is just as hard for me as it is for everyone else. I catch myself doing the judging thing, too. For example, not all Bigots are stupid, hateful, violent people.A lot of them are just scared and ignorant (Ignorant isnt the same as stupid. Stupid means your brain doesnt work well enough to process new information. Ignorant means you just dont know any better and can still learn). Id really like comments on this (respectful comments!) because I dont write these things for my health! :-) Hugs!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:15:07 +0000

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