Im beginning to wonder: is there something wrong with me? - TopicsExpress


Im beginning to wonder: is there something wrong with me? Halloween was just another day, Thanksgiving was more of the same but with food I was fortunate to have (not to mention spending time with family was nice), and Christmas was more or less a replica of Thanksgiving. None of these days felt any different from those that have passed before or after. So here we arrive on New Years Eve; should this day be any different? Will tomorrow? Will the days, weeks, and months leading up to the next New Years celebration or the years following it be any different? It would be nice to think so, but I have my doubts, as you might have noticed. We celebrate tonight in the hopes that the coming year will be any better than those past. That this coming year, the world will either cease to be or lose the illusion of being such a shitty place, when in reality things will go on as is the norm. Here in the U.S., bad politicians and presidential figureheads that are but the symptoms of a diseased society will live on, people will continue to be homeless, be hungry; people will continue to die, to break apart, to turn a blind eye on suffering or suffer themselves. But they will also continue to rejoice, to be born, to come together, to be fortunate enough to have food so that they will not starve or have a roof over their heads. You will continue to go to an office job that you hate and work at only because you are faced with failure if you do not, and I will continue to go to the same dreary high school with people I have known for six years or more. Around the world, people will face many of the same troubles and many that are worse, contingent upon location and status; nothing will change. There it is, plain and simple, the message to be heard: Nothing will change. Not unless something is done. So here on this evening, we celebrate the status quo; the status quo of a world that is as imperfect and twisted as we are ourselves. The continuation of the dismal cycle of suffering, insanity, and ruin. So from my sequestered corner of the world to yours, I wish you a Happy New Year, and hope that one or all of us may do something to bring about change in whatever form that may take. We are all on this arbitrary roller-coaster that has been christened Life together, and either we will stand together to change the path that has been laid out before us or together we will fall. Things cannot continue the way that they are.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:27 +0000

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