Im craving Krispy Kreme donuts!!! I a ONE ON EVERY - TopicsExpress


Im craving Krispy Kreme donuts!!! I a ONE ON EVERY FINGER kind of craving... (Visual) BUT - Im having a KIND bar instead....because....Ive just come too far to turn back now!! To screw up how amazing I feel! Ive read post after post today of people who are working out, pushing themselves in the gym to burn fat, loose weight and build strength. Theyre all wanting to make positive changes to be healthier by being more active. Sincerely, and I mean this, I applaud you all! That is a huge first step in changing your body for the better. One that so many refuse to take. HOW-to-the-EVER.... Some of those same people posted the very next day how their going to Popeyes for fried chicken or that theyre at an Italian restaurant where there getting fettuccini alfredo with garlic bread....oh, and a salad....(sic) YALL?!?! To quote a popular commercial thats running right now, THATS NOT HOW THIS WORKS! THATS NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS! Im no nutritionist - but one thing I have learned is that you can work out and push yourself 7 days a week but if you dont change your diet and your unhealthy cycle of eating - youll never see the results youre looking for! Some of you may see little to no results at all depending on how bad your diet really is or how slow your metabolism might be. Exercise and hard work at the gym is 20% of what it takes to become physically fit. The other 80% is solely determined on what you put in your body. The amount of water youre drinking. The clean, organic vegetables and fruits that you eat. Lean meat and healthy proteins. Its no magic formula. I mean, come on...lets be honest - most of us know when were eating healthy and when were not. If its wrapped in paper, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, served in a paper bag or a buffet line of any kind....its probably NOT what you should be eating. If youve already begun to make positive choices by working out your body - why not make it a complete and total lifestyle change by scrutinising what youre putting IN your body as well? Because it cant be a diet anymore. We have to stop calling it that!! A diet is something that comes to an end eventually. Youve got to make a change that take place everyday! Healthy choices that will last for the rest of your life..... ....which can be extended greatly if you choose NOT to put a donut on every finger.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:28:52 +0000

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