Im doing it. Im gonna create a long post as well. Probably one of - TopicsExpress


Im doing it. Im gonna create a long post as well. Probably one of my most longest on facebook Ive ever had. To those who feel offended please know I still love you as family and friends, but this is my choice. If you dont like it than thats your own opinion and this is mine. Im Gay, am Im proud of it to the full extent. I dont regret anything that has happened in my life, as nothing in my life made me this way. I am who I am, should i not be? Ill love who I choose and who i see as compatible to my life and where it will all take me. Ive been meaning to say all this since Senior Graduation. Yes I dated a guy between that time and now. But I was only trying to test myself to see if i still had the spark...I didnt. The relationship wasnt much to me and I felt odd. Im sorry for not coming out sooner but all the talk of discriminating against people like me kept me from coming out. Im a strong girl but sometimes Im not that strong. I dont hate men and I never have. My two best friends know this, Paul and Jacob both knew I liked girls. Yes we have our arguments over this..and it would lead to use not talking but I dont want to keep this in. Its not right for me to stay quiet for everyone else to be happy with me..cause then I start to hurt. I dont get why people cant accept those for who they are. Whether based on what they believe is right or by their own religion. I dont mean to anger anyone with a choice I chose to make or whoever I fall in love with, should that not be no my terms and not everyone elses? Should I not love who I wish just cause our genitals cant reproduce or to have a balanced out relationship. I do not judge anyone based on their genitals, I only do so on personality and attitudes as I have always done. Theres alot of hate, scorn and dislike for people like me. Even in families to their kids, or best friends as well. I want to be open with people, I want to have no secrets, Im done. Im sick of keeping it in, its hurting me more on the inside than anyone can imagine. I dont regret the past relationships Ive had, they taught me who I was, the things I am looking for in a persons personality and in my own. All my life experiences are leading me somewhere someday and all I want is to be a trusting loyal person to everyone I meet, whether they are complete jack*sses or very loving and friendly. Im done keeping all of this in. Im done hurting myself to make others happy and to keep themat my side because I stay silent. If I loss trust in a few family members or friends..then so be it. Id rather have a happy life surrounded by those who love me and care for me no matter who I love as a partner and best friend instead of keeping those who hate the fact that I have an attraction to girls. Its my opinion. Any comments on this subject will probably not be viewed as I know alot of them might try to talk me through why this is wrong...when its not. If you want to comment go ahead, itll probably make you feel better to get it out of your head and strike your opinion at me. Just know Ill still love you no matter what you all think of me Peace for the Evening -Sus
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:07:24 +0000

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