Im ever so grateful! Today Taylor celebrated her 9th birthday, - TopicsExpress


Im ever so grateful! Today Taylor celebrated her 9th birthday, which isnt until Thursday. Something amazing happened. As we are leaving American Girl doll store and Im struggling with the weight of the bags, I turn to Taylor to see if she can carry something. Taylors eyes are puffy and red, her nose is red, actually her whole face is red, and she has tears running down her face. As her mother Im scared and ask is she okay did something happen, did someone hurt her feelings, Im asking a million and one things. She finally shakes her head no and says Im so happy! These are tears of joy, Im confused. I ask her to repeat what she said. She responds, Im so happy, this was the best birthday ever. Thank you for sacrificing so much so I can celebrate my birthday here. I just hug her and tell her I love her and that shes special and deserves it. Fast forward to us finally making it to the car, Im on the phone with my mother rehashing the funny things that happened and how Hannah all of 3 but clearly is 10 lol had us all in stitches. I hear this sound and I think Taylors laughing. I turn around and shes just sobbing uncontrollably. On full alert again, I ask whats wrong. She says, Im so happy, thank you being there for me, and giving me this party. I always wanted to come have a party here and Ive been waiting for this day for so long! Im so happy my mom on speaker is obviously quiet lol and I tell her that if ANYBODY deserved this party its her. I tell her how hard she works to be on the A honor roll, how she works hard at choir, dance and voice lessons and still manages to be an honor roll student! I tell her that she makes me proud of her everyday. I tell her how much I love her and that I couldnt ask for a better daughter. She said it was hard holding back her tears at the party. I told her its ok to cry in front of people and that shes so very special. She gets home and unloads the gifts, dances around, sings a few songs, undresses her dolls for bed, reads her new Bible she got for her birthday, reads her Presidents as Kids book she got for her birthday, reads her History of Dance book, talks to Danielle Hicks for a moment to say goodnight, I love you and will see you at church, and thanked her for her gift and proclaimed how much she loved it... And now shes sleep! As I look to my left, directly pass Cecile, Torrie, Addy, Ivy and Brianna her new glow in the dark doll from Danielle, my eyes rest on this sleeping perfect child. Shes just perfect for me, in all her grace, humility, stewardship (debt free is her goal), consideration, compassion and pure heart! She has a heart for people, ALL people. She considers others above herself daily. Im ever so thankful and grateful for the charge I was given over her. Shes why Im single, I can easily take offers from malcontents but its far more important that a man not just he right for me, but worthy of her. She deserves nothing less, and I refuse to allow someone to contaminate her purpose in life. Im blessed to be her mother, and as a single mother, I get a double portion! Shes simply lovely and kind. She has a servants heart, but tenacity to lead... Shes well loved and received, teachers stop me ALL the time with positive praise reports, bus drivers say they wish they had a bus full of Taylors. The custodial staff repeats these sentiments, the cafeteria workers slide her desserts at no cost, shes favored, not by merit, God is truly with her, HIS spirit resides in her, grace and mercy follow her. She doesnt put on heirs, or pretends, shes unapologetically sincere and honest. I love her....
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:43:20 +0000

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