Im following Dagos lead and I am leaving this forum. For one I - TopicsExpress


Im following Dagos lead and I am leaving this forum. For one I dont believe in any kind of censorship to ones opinions. Good or bad. Two a few times advice was asked, advices were given, which lead to a shitstorm of stupidity. Three. And my harshest reason: there seems to be a boom of people who want to be filmmakers but its just in name only. We as filmmakers, true filmmakers understand the process, the art but also the politics of making film. We when are either directing or dp, gaffer, grip, AC and more so... AD. We know that we have an obligation to our crew. We hire the best people for what we can afford to make sure the job gets done. Not that we have a problem with people getting a chance to shine, but have a responsibility to the rest if the crew that we will all be on the same page. Examples. If your grip has never gripped before, they might forget to bag something correctly, which means the light can fall over and break. Lands on something or worse yet landing on someone. An inexperienced AD who doesnt know to so safety meets when there is a firearm on set. Production coordinators who dont know or choose not to get proper permits for a location. Director who dont have the experience to run their crew or work them a 17 hour day and give a 6 hour turnaround for a low rate. And so so so many others. It seems more and more that there is so much talk about community, about working together but there is little truth in that. So often mediocrity is celebrated. So often good honest blunt responses are frowned upon, and there goes the petty back and forth. There are a lot of us who live here but do not work here. And thats a sad thing. There was a time when we were judged by the quality of our work. Not by the personal views. Some of us are not elitist. We just have been doing this long enough to know what we are doing. If you dont like they way we say something, thats fine. But trust me when I say, we were told the same thing only much much worse. This is not an industry of kid gloves and kind words. This is not an industry of participation trophies. And this is not an industry of false claims. Any filmmaker will tell you that as much as they would love to make every project where they grew up or call home. Thats not possible. So they leave to do the project because as filmmakers we want to make our projects. And none of us are above getting the opportunity to do so. So long and fair thee well.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 22:47:48 +0000

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