Im going to resume my list of questions in a couple of days, but - TopicsExpress


Im going to resume my list of questions in a couple of days, but let me begin with the most pressing one: What, God help us, is going to happen if a Supreme Court justice should die or retire in the next two years? You know that Obama will go to the center to try to head off Republican opposition, and you know they will refuse to confirm anyone he nominates no matter who or what he, she, or it is. The worst part of the whole scenario is that, with the Goons takeover of the Senate, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee is now that idiot, Chuck Grassley, who was ready to actually shut down courts (especially the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals) rather than allow ANY of Obamas nominees to be confirmed. (The only reason the presidents three nominees to that court were eventually confirmed was because of Harry Reids courageous, un-Democratic-like (thats capital D) decision to kill the filibuster for executive and judicial appointments so that Obamanees could be confirmed by a vote of 50% + one. Now, of course, that wont work anymore.) When Bush Sr.s first Supreme Court nominee, David Souter, infuriated the extreme right by turning out to be a fair minded, middle of the road justice, everything changed. Since then Republican presidents have taken no more chances that one of their assumed right wing ideological nominees will turn out to be a justice who follows the law instead of the Heritage Foundations agenda.. Since Justice Souters objectivity was revealed, they have nominated exclusively far right wing idealogues to the highest court (Thomas, Roberts, and Alito) while Republican senators have made it all too clear that they will not confirm ANY Democratic nominee to the high court, even the most vanilla, nondescript centrist that Obama can come up with. Now THEY have control of the Senate, and one of THEIR WORST has control of the Judiciary Committee. So what happens when the first vacancy arises? I shudder to even contemplate the possibility. And, of course, it gets worse if they maintain control of Congress AND grab the White House in 2016? Oh, you dont think thats possible? Think of all the advantages they have now: voter suppression, incessant lies and false accusations, other dirty tricks, and, most of all, the Democratic campaign apparatus.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:56:54 +0000

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