Im heading out later this morning to start packing medical - TopicsExpress


Im heading out later this morning to start packing medical supplies for the next cascade medical mission. It will be my 8th year (or is it 9?, 10?) that I have gone with this amazing group of people to Guatemala. Each year we treat about 1000 people, perform close to a hundred surgeries, install stoves in homes and schools and provide health education for poor rural indigenous people. In addition to the money the group raises for supplies, each member pays $2000 to our parent organization for airfare, food, and lodging for the trip. While it is tax deductible, its still a lot of money. This year I just havent had the time or energy to fundraise, and Im feeling a bit anxious about budgeting it in so I have decided to ask for help from my facebook friends and family. I am making a personal appeal because sites that do it for you get a percentage and I would like any money raised to go to the mission. Any money donated directly to me will not be tax deductible for the donor. I will use it first for incidental supplies we buy in-country prior to opening our doors: diapers, peri pads, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, then toward my $2000 fee. Any money donated directly to Helps International will be tax deductible and will go toward my fee. Should there be additional money it will be used for the next years mission. If you would like to make a small donation to me personally you can do so through your PayPal acct using my email: cribbs250@gmail and using the friends and family option to avoid a service charge. You can also go old school and send me a check at 135 Arbor Dr., Eugene 97404 If you would like to make a tax deductible donation directly to Helps you can send them a check with my name in the memo and the mission number 1803. You will receive a tax receipt after the first of the year. The address is: Helps International 15301 Dallas parkway #200 Addison, TX 75001 If you want to check out our team and work go to: I know money is tight for most of us. Thank you for your consideration, and for sharing this post if you so choose. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Cariños, Donna
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:23:40 +0000

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