Im in awe of the self-absorption and insensitivity of people. - TopicsExpress


Im in awe of the self-absorption and insensitivity of people. As I scroll through FB this morning, the first images Im confronted with are of the Nigerian president, MY President and several prominent Nigerians at his nieces society wedding! 17 people die in France. The President declares a day of national mourning, their killers are hunted down with ferocity and deliberation. France weeps, 2000 people are slaughtered in Baga, corpses rot in the street, thousands are displaced, the town is razed to the ground, and the well equipped, purposeful army deserts its post, leaving our citizens utterly defenceless. Children are forced to be suicide bombers, detonating mass killing bombs. In response? President Jonathan DOES NOT address the nation, NOR DOES he reassure us of his determination to hunt down the murderers of innocent Nigerians, avenge their deaths and seize back territory. No, instead as a formidable statesman, a leader of his people he puts on finery and dances the night away while his country, literally burns. Jonathan apologists. I know nothing of Buhari nor am I a secret advocate of his campaign. Who can vouch for what he may decide to do if he ever comes to power. So that bring default setting for Jonathanites please dont make this about that! Surely every sane minded Nigerian, right now, should be filled with rage at this total disrespect and disregard for the murdered, the dislocated and the annihilation of total communities. Frankly President, Mrs. Jonathan and all who jollied while Nigeria burnt should be deeply irrevocably ashamed of themselves. We as Nigerians should be asking for the Presidents resignation and that of the Head of the (un)Armed forces but of course we wont! This is all too shameful. Even if our government doesnt #nigeriamourns
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:25:13 +0000

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