Im in my feelings so if I offend anyone.... My sincere - TopicsExpress


Im in my feelings so if I offend anyone.... My sincere apologies.... Naw, bump dat....I MEAN EVERY WORD THAT IM ABOUT TO POST!!! Today, I attended a seminar on Motivation & Human Behavior with 32 other trainers and instructors from Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. I was one of 4 BLACK trainers in the room (the only black woman present). We had a great session and shared a lot. One of the discussion topics was race and diversity in the world of fitness. Several of the trainers shared and I sat and listened absorbing their truths ~ When I was finally asked what was the percentage of BLACK clientele at the facility where I worked, I told them at the present time we were 100% BLACK and they gasped! Lmbo! They did not believe me until I showed them my Facebook statuses with all THE SISTAHS & BROTHAZ getting it in! They were amazed to say the least~ they all had questions about the magic formula of getting all these BLACK PEOPLE to work out together! I simply told them that its not us....its all God! I also told them that Phases is a MOVEMENT! They were looking at me like I was MOTHER THERESA or somebody! Lol Then, the topic turned to pricing and they were naming prices that made me cringe.... The lowest price that I heard from all 32 trainers was $55 an hour for personal training! What??? Thats ONE HOUR of personal training. So...what does that hour consist of~ 10 minutes of stretching at the start & finish of the workout/ 20-25 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical machine/ another 20-25 minutes of weight lifting ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? HA!!! WOW!!! Please ask me if they workout with their clients... Ummm, that would be NO! When they asked me how much our program was and I told them..... Yall already know that they were shocked! They had to know WHY IT IS PRICED SO LOW!!! PLEASE GUESS WHAT I TOLD THEM..... I had to be honest and share OUR TRUTH!!! We are sincerely trying our best to help OUR PEOPLE....BLACK PEOPLE....find our way to health and wellness! Its not about the money because if it was, Phelan Pickett could easily MOVE this program just 30 miles away in either direction and make BOOOCOOS of money! Ocean Springs or Mobile would JUMP ON BOARD! IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME.... I can provide documentation to prove it! WHY IS IT THAT OTHER PEOPLE IN OTHER PLACES SUPPORT YOU MORE THAN YOUR HOMETEAM? That baffles me! Now, before you go and pull the race card.... I BEAT YOU TO THE PUNCH! I PULLED IT FOR YOU TONIGHT! I am partial because I DID THE PROGRAM AND IT WORKS IN ONE THIRD OF THE TIME AT ANY OTHER GYM ON THIS COAST! It actually is CHEAPER considering the fact that our clients receive a group training session WITH a personal trainer four times per week or even more if they choose to come to other classes. Its UNLIMITED classes for our monthly fee! I wanna HOLLER!!! So yeah....I FEEL SOME KINDA WAY BOUT THIS! I SEE MY BROTHER TRYING HIS ABSOLUTE BEST TO STAY IN BUSINESS TO HELP OUR PEOPLE LIVE HEALTHY LIVES..... ITS PERSONAL...ITS REAL....ITS HARD AS HELL!!! Thank you to everyone who has supported and is praying for Phases! Its truly a blessing! We do genuinely care about our Phasers :) I have sense enough to know that EVERYBODY does not want to see us succeed.... I aint crazy! I know some people say they simply cant afford it, yet they BUY WHAT THEY WANT!! I also know that most of MY PEOPLE dont put health and wellness in their budget... Some folks could care less about living~ Then, there are some who just simply DONT LIKE US LMBO!!! As I always say...whatever you do, do something! You dont have to come to Phases... Just care about your health.... exercise & make healthier choices! Im done for now! Dont write NOTHING CRAZY on my status :) Sorry Phelan if I shamed you! I got REALLY emotional in the seminar! They brought out some major points! Love yall!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 02:18:59 +0000

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