Im kind of angered at something that i heard last night when i - TopicsExpress


Im kind of angered at something that i heard last night when i talked to someone. Now please dont get on my case about supply and demand. and economics, and blah blah blah. This is a 2 part thing where 1 rolls into the other.... it has to do with video game collecting... part 1 sucks, but part 2....holy hell... ANGER PART 1: Yesterday i talked to a guy on the phone who was a pretty cool. hes a gamer whos looking to buy stuff and beef his collection up. He doesnt know much of whats rare and whats not. He shared a story of what i think he said last week, where he went to a pawn shop with his girlfriend, where there was some SNES and Earthbound was of one of the games. The guy picked it up and thought it was cool but didnt know much about it, The game was marked for a few bucks he said, but he didnt know if it was worth getting. He thinks he said something to his gf in the store about I think this game is a little rare or something where when he went in the next day, the owner said that he sold the game to someone...... The guy was lied to.... The owner went to a game shop in the area, and sold it to them, where he got the quick money (which was estimated $80 to $100).... What angers me is this... its becoming hellish in collecting, where ebays and etc are predominant, where no one can get a deal, and pawn shops have become shady. The thrill of scoring a good deal is gone. The guy is kicking himself because he didnt know what it was that much, and you can say you snooze you lose all you want, but the fact that the owner, regardless of research on what he had, took it out of the store, which if he really wanted the quick money, could have at least sold it at his store, where the game then jumped up to a higher amount, stating that it is okay to be that higher money amount....whats worse though is people will pay for the game and NOT because the game is just for playing purposes.... which brings me to part 2........... basically in this paragraph.... collecting games has grown shittier due to monetizing. ANGER PART 2 - Last night I was in a game store that sold the Earthbound game, which I went in there to see some friends who worked at the shop there (I have zero money to my name which SUCKS because i wish i could buy things...anyways). My friend who was working told me hey we had an Earthbound come in but it sold... I know you probably dont care much though. I told him I know because I talked to the guy who wanted to originally buy it from the pawn shop guy. We talked a little more on it for a minute and that was that.... well heres the poo part.... I met a kid who was a nice guy at the store which me and the owner when we talking, jumped into one of our conversations. Like I said, nice kid, and I asked What game is probably your most rare game you own and what is the most funnest game you own that is rare-ish (because initially me and the owner were talking prices on certain games). The kid, says Earthbound.... and here is where I hate life.... he said Earthbound, but he said I own 5 of them... 2 boxed, 3 loose... but technically I own 7 of them because i have 2 more of them that are broken ones. I asked why he had so many, and he said because it was his dads favorite game and etc.... now I didnt ask if his dad died or something, but this is the only reason I can see this guy having 5 working, and 2 non-working games, with 2 complete in box copies...... needless to say, I asked him if he would trade one, and he said he wouldnt. This is what bothers me...and it makes me VERY unhappy. Earthbound is a game that i want to have in my collection to play, not just have sit pretty on a shelf. Its not the biggest game to me when it comes to rarity either, however I do want it. The fact that this game is supposedly so rare is because of stuff like this.... game hoarding... I am happy someone likes a game but stuff like this is why everything is out of wack when it comes to pricing. This game had a supposed run of 150,000 copies... this kid has 7 of them. You can tell me tough luck bro and etc...but dude, 5 copies, thats really...hell Ill say it...unfair. I score good deals, which im not saying i take for granted on my luck of things, but dammit, for someone who collects AND plays, i would like to do that....... and you know what he told me. Just download it on the Wii-U for $5 man..... When i said its not the same feel because its not the original cart to system to controller to player experience of what it was made download just makes it an emulation to me. He understood..... Needless to say, Im kind of upset by this, and its not because he has 5 working copies of this game....its because in the world, there a more people like him that probably own this game (and other games of certain rank of rarity) that are horded, and keep them out of hands of someone like me, who just wants 1 singular copy to own and play. if you read all that, congrats, bring on the slew of how Im wrong about feeling unhappy about how the world works, blah blah blah
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:22:41 +0000

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