Im no fan of any party, or politics in general. But, I will say - TopicsExpress


Im no fan of any party, or politics in general. But, I will say this. The fact that so few people came out to vote and the ruling party is losing traction so quickly is VERY telling. Namely? People are sick and tired of you guys. The same old, same old. Now, I will proceed to talk about the three cheeses in charge, and why I feel the way I feel. Jack, did you honestly believe people forgot about the flippant BS youve done in office? To me, you leaving to strike it out on your own isnt you standing up against corruption like youd have everybody believe. No. You got caught with your pants down, so you took your ball and went home, hoping that people would forget, side with good old Uncle Jack in a bid to taste power once again. What do you have to show for it? A goat and Robin Montano crying like a baby that he lost on national TV. Maybe you fooled quite a few people into thinking youre all for change, but youre just a spinoff of an already unpopular party that doesnt know what the hell its doing. Kamla, your regime has disappointed me. You started out very promising, but it quickly became apparent that you dont know what youre doing. Just the other day, you proposed a Rapid Response system. Very noble sentiment, I must say - IF IT WASNT IN EFFECT ALREADY. Dont even get me started on how your government thinks very little of libraries. Even after our library won that award for customer service, and even beat out several of your government agencies for that honour, your government has still seen fit to slash the budget three times, and make us fill out these ridiculous forms to prove people still use the library (just for the record, we get 3000 users per month, on average.) You wanted to oust the PNM for doing stupidness, now people want you ousted for doing stupidness. Dont think Ive forgotten about how you took my dad for saying his piece about Mr. Panday needing to step down because the party needs new leadership, and completely tore the support from under him when he was running for a seat. And guess what? You eventually ousted Mr. Panday ANYWAY. You people were once pretty good in terms of performance, but at that moment, I saw you all as nothing but scumbags, and Im sorry I saw that before everybody else did. Theres a reason people leave that party to form their own offshoots. Figure it out. Keith Rowley.....believe it or not, I dont really have anything negative to say about you. Lord knows I -HATED- the PNM with a passion for their incompetence sometimes, and when Mr. Manning was in office, he just got in way over his head when he thought he could totally crush the Peoples Partnership by calling elections early. I dont know how you perform, Im willing to give you a chance. May be burned again, may be pleasantly surprised. Who knows? Sadly, I didnt vote for you, either, because I have seen stupidness from that party too, and quite a few people get overly arrogant concerning the PNM. If you do become the next Prime Minister later on, please dont be a colossal f**k up. Oh, and try to keep Mr. Colm Imberts mouth shut. I hate that guy. To politicians in general: I am so sick and tired of you all referring to people as My brothers and sisters. Good LORD, that has been beaten to death so many times, its a tired cliche that needs to DIE. Also, like I said before, making people call you Aunty and Uncle? STOP IT. Thats just condescending, like were a bunch of children youre preaching to. How about something like, My fellow Trinidadians, People of this country we call home? Hell, Im no politician, but I can churn out better spiel than that. To everybody who votes: Isnt it time that you stopped referring to the PNM as the Black party and the UNC as the Indian party? Stop drawing lines in the damn sand. Thats one of THE basic reasons I hate discussing politics with everybody, its such narrow-minded bulls**t. Okay, thats enough from me. Funny jokes from tomorrow!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:10:41 +0000

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