Im not religious or anything, but I still think that learning how - TopicsExpress


Im not religious or anything, but I still think that learning how to accept apologies is probably just as important as learning how to say youre sorry. Because if you dont accept the sorries when they come, the person will eventually stop saying sorry altogether, and learn to run away from or get defensive about their mistakes instead. How many times have we ever given someone a genuine, ashamed and heartfelt apology only to have it shot down with words like, well, you SHOULD be! or Well, if you would JUST... or even Sorry isnt enough!? (Which was probably one of the first lessons I was ever taught as a child. Ironically, not long after being taught when to say sorry). And how many times have we actually done this to someone ourselves? How much better would our relationships with our loved-ones be if we treated every genuine apology we received from them seriously, just like we (hopefully) do with every other good gesture we receive from them? And if they did the same with us? Imagine if we could learn to swallow our anger (even if only for a few seconds) just to say I forgive you, and THEN figuring out how to fix whatevers gone wrong with a clearer head; rather than just taking advantage of their shame, lashing out and teaching them to never bother saying sorry to someone ever again?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 00:46:12 +0000

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