Im not sure at what point in history we decided to couple politics - TopicsExpress


Im not sure at what point in history we decided to couple politics with race. Forget whether your Republican or Democrat, omit whether you are White or Black; isnt this image upsetting? Does your instinct tell you that this is the correct way to treat a human being? I often get pulled over, give the officer the benefit of the doubt and I can tell you it often doesnt matter. It has gone as far as being patted down and having a K9 unit search my vehicle. I ask you to consider the option that we can drop all of these biases in the midst of a conversation and just say this is wrong. It is clear to me many (not all, not even most) people who are white (however one defines this) looks at this video and may say Ive met a black person like this, and they can be threatening and people of color that look at this video and think Ive seen that officer and this is not right. Humanity. for once can we look at this sort of occurrence with a new set of eyes? What if you were in the back seat and this was your father? What if one of these officers were your father? This whole scene is much more complicated that your initial, biased, Read. In order to make any progress as humans I offer that we need to take a different approach: one were race is obsolete because we can empathize with other humans from the perspective that we can see how we are alike and less about how we are not.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:38:03 +0000

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