Im now thoroughly bored with treating the YESers with kid gloves. - TopicsExpress


Im now thoroughly bored with treating the YESers with kid gloves. I shall remain scrupulously polite as always, but Im now thoroughly tired of and, to be honest, sickened by your unsupportable, fanciful, extreme left, paranoid, myopic and, at times, xenophobic ill informed drivel. In the last few days of this campaign, please expect me to be very much more direct and economical with words in my posts and responses. If that offends a few of you along the way, then tough; it will not be my intention and YOUR repetitious bullshit offends ME massively - as does your anti-British hostility and desire to rip asunder the nation, the UK, which I love. Not to mention the unspeakable damage you have already wreaked on Scottish society and, I suspect, will continue to inflict, irrespective of the democratic result next Friday. Thank you for reading this and, hopefully, respecting my stance, even if you not agree with it. Best of luck to all nest week - regardless of how you intend to vote (or as I have, already voted).
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:35:56 +0000

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