Im sick of the rhetoric which suggests that black on black crime - TopicsExpress


Im sick of the rhetoric which suggests that black on black crime and violence outweigh the violence against Black males perpetrated by cops. Crime is crime. The only time crime is racialized in the media is when there are black bodies involved- other than that it is just crime. A criminal is a criminal... Murder is murder... Death does not acknowledge a racial classification. The propaganda machine has been quite successful at manipulating our perceptions about violence and crime by effectively racializing criminal activity- so much so that we argue or rather, get distracted by the concept of black on black crime. So much so that even Black people have come to expect and anticipate that other Blacks are inherently violent or criminal. Change the language... Change the conversation... Any crime, violence, murder, etc goes against basic humanity... However we must stay vigilant about the way the dominant discourse works to render Black males as ... Guilty... Suspects... Violent... Criminal...Dangerous... When we fail to do so, we essentially justify- authorize- and give the police and others permission to slaughter our young sons and men. Our silence and our compliance with narratives like black on black crime is like signing a death warrant on our sons. Refuse this narrative... Defy this ideal... Combat the crisis. Black communities dont NEED policing b/c we cant act right... Like other cultures, we simply expect to have our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness respected... At all times, no matter the cost!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:38:29 +0000

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