Im sitting here in a parking lot nursing Kelsey while Ter has kids - TopicsExpress


Im sitting here in a parking lot nursing Kelsey while Ter has kids in the grocery store. A couple parked in front of us is unloading groceries with their toddler. They are fighting terribly, swearing and it made me have anxiety just watching them :( I just wanted to go grab the little boy and take and hold him because if they are fighting like that in public, I cant begin to imagine what it will be like in the car or at home. As much as this sickened me, Im so glad I saw it. I needed to see it. All too often, its easy to let this happen in front of my own children, and I forgot the look of horror on a childs face when this does happen. I personally remember the things I saw and heard as a child, have left me scarred in so many ways. I dont want that for my children at all. I remember a friend of mine from college said she cant recall one time her parents fighting in front of her. Now do you think they are perfect and never fought? Absolutely not. But they had enough strength and respect for their children (and each other) to do it in private. As sad as I am thinking of that poor little sweetheart right now riding in a car probably scared to death with screaming and swearing, it takes me right back to what I experienced and to get even the smaller spats in check and not happen in front of our kids. Very glad God let me see this as I needed this slap in the face ... Remember our children see and hear so much and are SO effected and impacted by our action and interactions with not only them ...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:02:29 +0000

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