Im so sick and tired of this. Really, what are we back at yr 10 - TopicsExpress


Im so sick and tired of this. Really, what are we back at yr 10 again? With the I broke up with him, he didnt treat me right, he hit me, here listen to him going off at me for no reason, showing your friends recordings of false evidence blah blah blah.. Look, you can have your friends and the people you deceive make you feel better about what youve done and what your still doing, I exaplained whats happened between us out of SHAME! to clear up why we broke up and why your seen with my client the day I threw your clothes out of my house and begged you to leave and to never return out of disbelief, you had my passwords to my Facebook (you proved it by deleting my status about you the first time) you changed my business email passwords to your details & went on to deactivating my account making me lose money, I couldnt change passwords back to reclaim my email which cost me $110 Australian dollars (recipts below) to take back my email.. you stole money from me and blamed my friends, you continue to go around saying I hit you without a mark on you (Im not a low life, I have a sister and mother that I respect and would never hit ANY FEMALE, period.) and now your lying about me putting you down as a businessman? My last status exaplained what happened, I warned your clients that your not qualified because if something had to go wrong they are not covered! (to those who dont believe me ask her to present her certificates) rather than be so gullable and help her attack me, you came into my shop last week and you where told to leave by my employee after you asked to buy something!!, just this morning you came back again to drop off a letter you know I dont need. Listen, I dont mention your name nor do I care about what you do.. When people ask I dont even bother speak your name let alone go back into the past, whats happened has happened. Leave me alone, if Im the bad guy and if Ive upset you, hit you why stalk me at my house? Why drive past on weekends to see whos over? Why come into my shop? youve moved on havent you?.. I wished you & him the best of luck and your continuing to attack me. Look I only speak about valid topics that I have proof of, I have a lot more of what youve sent to your new man while you were living with me, (semi naked pictures). Now you tell me, who wouldnt lose their shit if they seen their gf sending these to another person? After everything we had, after everything I did for you. Of course I yelled, I broke plates on my kitchen bench after finding out certain things & the only person I hit.. Is my self and busted my eye brow open when you spoke the way you did about my family. its disgraceful to speak about, but thats how hard you would push me, id rather speak the truth. So, Heres some proof in the comments below, if you continue to put my name in your mouth and have your little gfs back you up on your bullshit I will expose the videos and pictures I have that youve sent to him. So before you point your fingers, make sure your hands are clean. To those believing her lies and getting involved, bagging me to her and coming back shaking my hand, I dont need two faced people in my life so delete me now, Im a proud man of my word, always have been and always will be & I dont have time for this childish games.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 12:49:44 +0000

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