Im sorry people, I have to share this with you, it had me - TopicsExpress


Im sorry people, I have to share this with you, it had me laughing, I know you will have a good laugh to, its nice to have a laugh in our lives. Its so true what someone once said: Socialists are an endless source of entertainment. I mean, honestly, wait till you read this comedic value. His comment is in one big gigantic paragraph uuuhh dont you just hate it when you see that? Anyway, Ill break it down into paragraphs for you to read: _______________________________________________ dennis benjamin8 hours ago oh scotty.. i dont know what they teach you over in scottland but let me give you bit of the outside world. you didnt hear me out correctly, communism didnt work back then due to dictatorship.. now if we eliminate dictatorship from all of this i dont see why communism wouldnt work. you say, the soviet union tried this idea.. yes the soviets tried it but stalin was the dictator back then and he tortured many of his own people which.. was destined to fail. however what you fail to understand is, by altering communism slightly it would work much better than capitalism.. you state that communism is brought about by force.. thats the biggest bullshit ive heard in years.. you educate the general public that communism is the better option through peaceful means, thats something the soviets and the chinese etc failed to do and that is why communism failed back then. now, things are different. you then say that, communism apparently takes away liberty and private ownership.. well if you live in the US which happens to be a very capitalistic nation.. you would know that the private bank (FED) is in control of the money suply and pretty much any private ownership.. quote, give me a nations money suply and i care not who makes the laws? (somewhat on the line) point being, in a capitalistic nation wealth is not distributed equally which leads to individuals becoming EXTREMLY wealthy vice versa and do you know what that eventually leads to? yes absolute power in the hands of these wealthy minoraties. Now if you look at that in a rational prespective, capitalism isnt all liberty and peace either.. IF communism was to be put in place on a global scale, 😈😨the general public wouldnt be forced.. nor would you have a dictatorship.. it would be implented by educating people like you that are so delusional that theyd believe anything they were brought up with... you later say that my end goal can only be achievd through force.. again, that is utter nonesense. you seem to still be stuck with what happened back with the soviets. mind you, THAT is over.. they had a completly different mentality to what we have now.. communism would be adored by many if the delusions people have about it werent around.. and you are one of these many people. but then again, you were BORN into thinking capitalism id somewhat superior.. which is why i mentioned in my last comment FIRST SENTENCE. your INDOCRINATED. ______________________________________________ This here was the best quote out the whole thing for me, it had me laughing: you didnt hear me out correctly, communism didnt work back then due to dictatorship Im telling you people, some people are so hilariously thick, they would have you off the chair rolling on the floor in pain from laughing lol Communism without dictatorship? lol
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 21:41:20 +0000

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