Im sure imma piss SOMEbody off with this post lol But since this - TopicsExpress


Im sure imma piss SOMEbody off with this post lol But since this is 98.73% of what my newsfeed consists of, Ill drop my opinion: Do I think there are obvious injustices in our Country? Very much so... So much so that North Korea is ragging the HELL outta us via schadenfreude. I hate that this turned into an all out race thing, but since it has, I think this is a good time to address some things that can make our community more efficient. What are some things we can do? *DISCLAIMER: I know this doesnt apply to EVERYONE. No need to argue for no reason, but I see everyone seems to be very emotional and defensive, so feel free to express your opinions as you see fit. All perspectives welcome, regardless of race :) 1.) Demand respect by showing respect to ourselves: over 90% of black crimes are by the hands of other black ppl. That doesnt excuse a white man killing a black man, but a black man LITERALLY killed another black man this morning in Decatur. We need to rally this hard and hold each other accountable when we kill our own EVERYDAY. 2.) Stop supporting Thug and Street Culture: These rappers we practically WORSHIP constantly talk about killing their own ppl, disrespecting their women, gang banging, selling some kinda drug into their neighborhood, having multiple women and baby mommas, and all around just being the ultimate hood n*gga. If you cant see the damage that these rappers inflict on their community, then you need not be upset when ppl treat you like the animal youre trying to emulate. They sell out to the very racist white ppl youre upset at, yet youre allowing these ppl to dictate your lifestyle and mindset - not to mention, raise your kids. To add insult to injury, while were being influenced to adopt the very same toxic propaganda theyre making sooo cool, THEY DONT EVEN LIVE THAT LIFESTYLE THEMSELVES!! They sit back and reap the benefits of destroying their community! 3.) Practice more Cooperative Economics: Every other race does it, and it has nothing to do with racism. Stop wasting all your money on Jordans, and support more black owned businesses. We are the most inclusive race on this planet, and we have nothing to show for bc of it. Instead of supporting each other, we tear each other down... And that goes back to my 1st point. How are we to get mad at other races when they dont respect us when we dont even respect ourselves? I dont generally see Men respect Women who disrespect themselves on a daily basis. Same concept. 4.) Stop burning down businesses built by ppl going through the same struggle as you: No explanation needed, as thats just all around retarded and makes you looks like a fool. Totally negates the cause of your rioting. Not to mention, how disrespectful is it for someone from ANOTHER city comes to YOUR town, only to destroy it and leave? Absolutely ridiculous. 5.) Stop aiding in the degradation of our community by posting fight videos, twerk videos, supporting ratchet reality TV, sharing and praising to the holy Worldstar Hip Hop day in & day out, etc. Goes back to point #1. 6.) Know that your dollar is ultimately a vote for what you believe in. Boycott Black Friday? Sure, Im down. The Bus Boycott was hella successful in the 60s. But know that black ppl irresponsibly spend the MOST money in this country... and in a country that operates money > everything else, that holds a LOT of power. Dont just boycott one day and go back to irresponsible spending until something else happens. Prove a point until you get what you want. Violent rioting wont do anything except show your ignorance and get you killed. Why not avoid taking the easy way out, and make more of an impact like our ancestors did successfully? Theres lots more but those are the most important ones in my opinion. For the ppl who happened to become offended during the course of my status, I do offer my sincerest apologies - this is a VERY sensitive subject, but it NEEDS to be spoken on. If not, well be here another 100yrs still fighting race wars. More than anything I hope that one day we can truly live amongst each other and not see skin color.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:03:34 +0000

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