Im taking a poll, and any input yall provide will be VERY much - TopicsExpress


Im taking a poll, and any input yall provide will be VERY much appreciated. I have wanted to write a book for a gazillion years, and with my photography skills, I would like to put together a large, striking, coffee table book. I have a thing for coffee table books - theyre awesome for guests to look through, typically very informative as well as beautiful, and are great conversation starters at get-togethers and parties. But heres the thing. I KNOW I can do this and produce a really lovely product thats interesting and desirable for consumers. Id have to begin with Kickstarter, though, to fund the project and get it to print, and Im beginning the research on how to do this. Its a lot more complicated than one would think, especially if you want it to be successful. If you dont reach your goal in the days allotted for the project, every donation goes out the window. The subject matter needs to be something that not only I am passionate about, but contributors and subsequent consumers will be passionate about, too, so that it will be successful. Contributors receive a free product, based upon the level of the contribution. So the incentives would range from prints of the photography within the book, to the book itself, etc., etc. I have three ideas for subject matters: 1.) Wounded Warriors and their paths from what led to them to join the military, through injury, through rehabilitation. A photographic representation of their battles, losses, blessings, successes. A substantial portion of the proceeds of the book would go to the wounded warriors. This is the idea I have put the most thought into, I personally think it is an important project, and I see nothing of the sort online anywhere. Paperbacks, chapter books - but no photographic journey hardback book. Being an Army BRAT, this is something that I find to be really important and I know will be super inspiring for military and civilian alike. 2.) The Faces of Autism. That wouldnt be the name, because its already been done. Obviously, this is a subject matter thats very close to my heart. I am big on Autism Awareness and Sams story has run on the biggest Autism sites. Id pick 10 kiddos and tell their stories along with photos of them and their lives. Ranging from severe on the spectrum, to high functioning, to Aspergers. I know I could make a really beautiful, informative, and touching book from this; the problem is that there are a million books about Autism. But, I dont think one has been done like this. And again, a substantial portion of proceeds would go to the families. 3.) The Faces of Nashville. I havent come up with a real title for this yet, but, Id like to have lengthy interviews with the street performers downtown, (a bunch of them), and of course photograph them and the whole vibe surrounding this niche in Nashville. As we know, Nashville is the it city these days, and I think itd be a really interesting book. However, this isnt necessarily important, or a cause, and Id really like to do something important as opposed to fun. So, thoughts on subject matter? Haha. I know thats a lot to read. Many thanks to those of you who made it through it!! Oh, and have any of yall done Kickstarter? If so, Id love to talk to you. Maybe someday I can accomplish all three of these. And more! Lofty goal, I know, but you never know until you try and Im confidant that I can do this, and do it well. 😊
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:32:05 +0000

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