Im tired of how people choose to demean an entire religion based - TopicsExpress


Im tired of how people choose to demean an entire religion based on one persons wrongdoing. In the past years, Islam has been linked to terrorism, corruption and lies. Yes there are a handful of people who are bad who happen to be Muslim. But there are many people who happen to be bad that are also Christian, Jewish, atheists etc. Consider the Dark Knight shooter, Timothy McVeigh or Charles Manson. All evil. All done horrific things but none were Muslim. You cannot criticize an entire religion for one persons violent behavior. People can insinuate that it has everything to do with religion, because it is easy to blame something other than themselves. And in most cases, people choose to blame God, because God is and is not present and because blaming God makes it right, justifies the cruel mistake. But I am sure, 110 percent sure that these fools who have murdered the cartoonist are extremists which can be a religion of itself. Their behavior has nothing to do with Islam, nothing to do with God. But it has everything to do with them, how they grew up, what they learned and how they choose to perceive things. We want to blame Islam, but Islam has no purpose to kill, it has no reason to accuse. It is a book compromised of GOdS words just as the Bible and the Torah were. And to blame Islam, is to say that 1.6 billion people around the world are also terrorists, extremists and fundamentalists. And if that were the case, there would be 1.6 billion crimes that were being done. But where does that leave Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Adam Lanza, Netanyahu,Ted Bundy, Carl Eugene watts, Taneski,Robert Rhoades, Resendiz, Karl Denke, Constanzo, the Ukranian terminator, Paul Ogorzow, and the serpent? They were all crazy but none were Muslim. Shall we blame their religious backgrounds for their crimes too? Should we doom all Christians and Jews to hell? Should we criticize and entire religion based on one persons psychological break down? I will not be ignorant nor will I make or turn a just God into a monster. Instead I believe that the monsters are the murderers and those that feed off the violence by eradicating an entire religion by choosing to hate, are parasites who can and will be monsters, because they have chosen to be ignorant, blame and hate people who have nothing to do with anything.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:50:25 +0000

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