Imagine if WWII happened all over again. And this time the world - TopicsExpress


Imagine if WWII happened all over again. And this time the world just sat it out and stood by during the systematic genocide of entire people. Well, that is exactly what is happening right now. Obama has armed people as bad as the Nazis ever were. Obama has supported people as bad as the Nazis ever were. These people are now systematically killing every non Muslim in the areas of Syria and Iraq they control. They already control an area larger than most countries. There is no excuse for this, these are war crimes such as the world has not seen since the Nuremberg trials. When Adolf Hitler rose to power, the West tried to placate him. Hitlers military annexed Austria, and the rest of the world appeased Germany. Hitler annexed Sudetenland, and the rest of the world capitulated. Germany invaded the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, and the world stood by. German troops suddenly occupied Memel, and Lithuania was unable to resist. The world stood by and did nothing. The worlds response to the growing aggression of Islamic fascism, has been capitulation, concession, appeasement, even APOLOGY. Westerners have even taken up Islamofascist propaganda and swallowed it hook-line and sinker. The state of Palestine, a state which never existed in human history, and was a phrase coined by the Romans to refer to JEWISH ISRAEL, is somehow being prevented from freedom at the hands of Israel. How does a state, which has never existed in human history, which as much as it did, existed under a misnomer, was actually JEWISH ISRAEL, become oppressed by the rightful owners of that state? Well, in the insane rhetoric of Islamofascists, the state of Israel, the Jewish state of Israel that has existed practically since pre-history, MUST be given to an ISLAMIC state, or that ISLAMIC state, which never existed before, is being oppressed. The Quran tells the believers that lying, deception, is acceptable in the service of Islam. The Quran says that Allah is the biggest deceiver of all, a consummate liar. The Quran says that lying, raping, murder, any atrocity is permissible when committed against the non-believers. To this end, Islamofascism has been stealing the Middle East from the previous Jewish and Christian inhabitants for centuries. Ive even heard Westerners say that the Middle East belongs to the Muslims. Islam DID NOT EXIST when the Middle East was occupied by Jews and Christians. Islam came thousands of years after Judaism, and hundreds of years after Christianity. Islam never legitimately owned the Middle East, they claimed it by the systematic genocide of the native inhabitants. And now, when 99% of the Middle East is in the hands of Islamofascists, they are systematically massacring the remaining descendants of the rightful owners of the region. And some Westerners even say, the Middle East belongs to the Muslims... The time has come to stop spreading fascist propaganda. The time has come to stop capitulating to the most violent fascists in the history of mankind. The time has come to stop APOLOGIZING to the most violent people in the history of the world. The Middle East, a region which was inhabited by Jews for thousands of years, and Christians for hundreds of years before Islam even existed, has been nearly entirely taken over by Islamofascists. These same fascists are now exterminating the descendants of the rightful owners of the region, the ORIGINAL owners of the region. This is happening NOW. This is happening EVERY DAY. This is happening EVERYWHERE in the Middle East. We have WELCOMED these fascists into every country. We have welcomed them into OUR countries, we have fed them, clothed them and housed them. And we have been repaid by a wave of violence not seen since WWII. The time is long past to stop APOLOGIZING to these monsters, to stop capitulating to them, and to FIGHT them.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:28:24 +0000

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