Imam Ali IBN Musa Al-Ridha (AS) ; A Life Full Of Examplary - TopicsExpress


Imam Ali IBN Musa Al-Ridha (AS) ; A Life Full Of Examplary Virtues! By: Malam Muhammad Mahmud Turi on September 20, 2013 - 2:33am in Share In the name of Allah who states ““The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve in a year so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth, of them four are sacred; that is the straight usage, so wrong not your selves therein, and fight the pagans altogether as they fight you altogether. But know that Allah is with those that restrain themselves” Qur’an:3:36 May the everlasting peace and blessings of Allah be upon His noblest servant our master Muhammad and his gifted progeny. The four sacred months as referred by the above verse in the Islamic hijira calendar are Zulqaadah, Zulhijjah, Muharram and Rajab. Three are consecutive while the other is solitary. Generally speaking, there were rules relating to the sacred months since the day of ignorance. With advent of Islam matters relating to that were emphatically addressed. The sacred months are vividly very eventful in terms of historical realities. In addition to that, issues relating to births of some prominent Imams, commencement of revelation, Sallah feasts, hajj -pilgrimage, the episodes of Ghadeer and Mubahala, Islamic/hijira year ending and beginning and the Ashura among others. Being Friday as usual, I will start by emphasizing the immense reward for a thousand salawat - asking Allah to shower more blessings in respect of the noble messenger and his pure household. IMAM ALI AL - RIDHA (AS): “There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not an invented tale, but confirmation of what went before it, a detailed exposition of all things and a guide and mercy to any such as believe” Qur’an:12:111of the memorable and commemorated events in this sacred month was the popular birth of the eighth Imam of the Ahlul bait, Ali al - Ridha, son of Imam Musa al - Kazim and Najmah nicknamed Ummu – banin (as). Imam means a leader with whom Allah is pleased and Ridha, the well pleased with or the generally accepted. Although there are variations as to the actual date of his birthday, most reliably Thursday, 11th Zulqaadah, 148 after hijira was relatively preferred, in Medina. Bukhari and Muslim have narrated that the messenger of Allah has said: “I shall be succeeded by twelve religious leaders, all of whom shall be of Qurayshite origin”. In another narration he said all of them shall be from Banu Hashim. Imamate means the leadership with which Allah is pleased after that of the messengers, and in the same way Imam is such a leader. He is not a prophet but his successor. And the rationale behind the glance at his blessed life is to highlight the lessons therein with a view to emulating them! EARLY LIFE Just like his parents, the Imam was brought up under the spiritual guidance of his father Imam Musa al - Kazim for thirty five years. In addition to the high insight and unique brilliance he was endowed, the Imam received an excellent training and education from his parents which made him to excel in spiritual leadership. Thus, he lived embodiment of great piety, chivalry and generosity. Like his parent, the Imam has faced great enmity and hostility from the ruling class who assassinated his father before his eyes. However before martyrdom he has declared Imam al - Ridha as his successor in the presence of over a hundred prominent religious divines and his family members. Thus his succession was unequivocally endorsed to avoid any possible confusion that might arise. Coming with proper interpretation of the noble Qur’an under unfavorable atmosphere of the Harun - led government was part of the great challenges faced by the Imam. Many of his followers were imprisoned and those outside the bars were afflicted with untold hardships and sufferings. However, the Imam bravely stamped his impression on the footstep of his grandfather, noble messenger Muhammad (s) in a peaceful manner despite the chaotic nature of the time resulting in the strategic widespread of the teachings of the former and his gifted progeny. The Imam given the head and heart qualities of his ancestors lived as versatile person with a full command of many languages which greatly influenced his call and teachings. Ibn Athir al - Jaza’ir penned that Imam al - Ridha was undoubtedly the greatest sage, saint and scholar of the second century after hijira. ARRIVAL AT KHURASAN On the orders of Mamun, the Imam was once brought to Khurasan by force by the guards of the Khalifa from Medina arriving on horseback at Naysabur. All roads were overcrowded by the myriads of people who gathered to meet him and request from Abu Dhar’ah al- Razi and Muhammad bn Aslam al - Tusi from among the crowd, the Imam briefly addressed an audience interpreting kalimatus shahada; …….he continued to say that the kalima is the fortress of Allah and whoever entered the fortress saved himself from His wrath. He paused for a moment and continued that there were also a few conditions to entitle the entrance to the fortress and the greatest of all conditions was sincere and complete submission to the Imam of the day; and very boldly and frankly explained to the people that any disloyalty to the prophet and his descendents would withdraw the right of the entrance to the fortress. The only way to earn Almighty Allah’s pleasure was to obey the prophet and his progeny and that was the only path to salvation and immortality. SOME MEMORABLE SAYINGS OF THE IMAM (AS) As narrated by Sheikh al - Saduq, Imam Ali al - Ridha said “may the mercy of Allah be upon the servant who keeps live our commandment” I asked him how one could keep your commandment alive? He said he learns our sciences and teach them to people. In fact if people knew the merits and goodness of our speech, surely they would follow us” In another narration by Imam al -Saduq in an answer to a woman who wanted not to marry in order to gain a great virtue, said “do not do that, because if it was a virtue Fatimah (may Allah bless her and give her peace) would be more competent than you, and, surely, there is none (of women) who can excel her in any virtue. The Imam was popularly quoted as saying: Doing seven things without doing the seven other is self - mockery: asking for forgiveness from Allah verbally without repenting with the heart: asking for Allah’s help without undertaking any effort; making a firm resolution to do something without taking due precautions; asking Allah for paradise without enduring the related hardship; beseeching deliverance from the hell fire without refraining from lusts; remembering Allah without anticipating to encounter Him. The above - mentioned incident speaks clearly of the great popularity of the Imam and the love and respect Muslims gave to their beloved leader. Al-Ma’mun could not help holding the Imam in great esteem because of his piety, wisdom, knowledge, modesty, decorum and personality. He therefore decided to nominate the Imam as the rightful heir to the throne only for the fulfillment of his sinister designs being very scared of the Imam’s growing popularity! It was believed that Ma’mun - the Abbasid caliph out of envy and enmity subtly fed the Imam in a dinner with poisoned grapes which led to his martyrdom on 17th Safar, 203 after hijira at the age of 55 leaving behind 5 sons and a daughter and was buried in Mashhad - Iran. “Deem not that Allah is heedless of what the iniquitous do; He is only deferring them to a day when eyes shall stare” Qur’an 14:42 By refusal to join the oppressive regime, the Imam attained martyrdom losing nothing virtually, and remained a greatly respected Islamic personality of the first order who was honored by Allah and immortalized by the great sacrifice in the cause of his faith. Allah says “And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead; nay they are alive but you do not perceive” Qur’an: 2:154. Ever since millions of Muslims from all nooks and crannies of the world visit the Imam’s tomb and seminary in Mashhad - the second largest city in Iran, praying for Allah’s mercy and blessings for him and a befitting recompense for all with a key hand in the atrocity against him and the blessed family of the noble messenger. LOVE OF THE PROPHET’S HOUSEHOLD “Say o Muhammad, unto mankind); I do not ask of you a wage for this except love of my kinsfolk” Qur’an: 42:23. In relation to this, the prophet is reported to have said: love of my household is a sign of belief, and enmity towards them is a sign of unbelief. Whosoever loves them, loves Allah and His messenger. And whosoever shows enmity towards them shows enmity towards Allah and His messenger. Their love is unanimous duty in which there is no dispute amount the Muslims. My household is like the Ark of Nuh; whoever embarks upon it will be saved, and whoever turns away from it will be drowned. Those whom Allah has kept away from uncleanliness and cleansed through cleansing. I leave two great and precious things among you; the book of Allah and my household. If you keep hold of both of them you will never go astray after me. One of them is greater than the other. The book of Allah is like a rope hanging from heaven to earth; and the other is my family and household. Remember these two will never be separated from each other until they encounter me at Kauthar (paradise). Narrated by both Shi’a and Sunni traditionalists. With regards to the descendents of the noble prophet, Imam Ali said: the descendents of the prophet are his confidants, the shelter of his commands, and the trustees of his knowledge, the stronghold of the Qur’an and the mountains of his faith. None of the followers of Muhammad can be compared with the descendents of the prophet. The recipients’ cannot be equal to the bestowers of blessings. ”O people let it be known to you that we are the descendents of the holy prophet. Angels come to us. We are the fountains of learning. We are the spring of wisdom and knowledge of Allah. He who is our friend and helper deserves the mercy of Allah, and he who is our enemy, waits for the punishment of Allah. They speak lies against us and do injustice to us. Allah elevated our position and he has made them inferior to us. He has opened the eyes of the people through us. Wassalamu alaikum.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:13:20 +0000

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