Immediately when you say we are going to Nationalize the mines, - TopicsExpress


Immediately when you say we are going to Nationalize the mines, the banks and other key strategic sector of the economy they run their mouth ahead their minds and they will say Nationalization has failed in Zimbabwe. As much as they think it has failed in Zimbabwe based on their limited reasoning capacity or propagated faculty of thinking, why they don’t ask themselves what has made Privatization to succeed ahead Nationalization? We are not going to custodianize any misfortune environment that is going to demean our people, those excluded to partake in the wealth of this country. They will not tell you that during the 1938 Mexican nationalization of the petroleum industry, On May 1, 2008, Bolivia nationalize the leading telecommunications company Entel and On May 1, 2012, the Bolivia government nationalized power grid operator Transportadora de Electricidad (TDE). They won’t tell you that The Castro government gradually expropriated all foreign-owned private companies after the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Most of these companies were owned by U.S. corporations and individuals. In 1966-68, the Castro government nationalized all remaining privately owned business entities in Cuba, down to the level of street vendors. In Greece as from 2011 Proton Bank is effectively nationalized in the midst of the Greek financial crisis. 2013 SNS Bank is nationalized. It had been in trouble for more than a year, not able to find a private investor. On Febuari 1st 2013, Jeroen Dijselbloem (Dutch minister of Finance) declares SNS nationalized. United Kingdom 2008 October, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the newly merged HBOS-Lloyds TSB was partly nationalized. The Government took approximately 60% of RBS (later increased to 70%, then 80%) and 40% of HBOS-Lloyds TSB. I think it would be proper for educating our people to swift their mind set from white monopoly capitalists propaganda that is made to delay our people to gasp the truth about Nationalization. Many people claim to know too much about Nationalization especially when EFF officials start to preach this gospel and they won’t answer you when you ask them why Nationalization will fail except telling you that it failed in Zimbabwe while they are not telling you about where it was successfully implemented and worked out. It is the time for Nationalization now so we can gain our economic Freedom in our life time, now is the time or never. VOTE EFF.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:30:41 +0000

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