In Egypt about a quarter of the people are unemployed. Most of - TopicsExpress


In Egypt about a quarter of the people are unemployed. Most of them are young folks under 30 who fear they might starve when mom and dad pass away. Most of them have never even left home to start their own lives. Their president is under pressure to resign; his party, the Muslim Brotherhood, has relied on God or Allah to come to the rescue—they should have relied on Adam Smith. (Adam Smith wrote the treatise “The Wealth of Nations” that is generally regarded as the blueprint for Capitalism). But, not even Smith could get that country out of the economic, social, moral and religious mess it is in—just like the rest of the Mideast, with the exception of Saudi Arabia, where the people sit atop a few hundred trillion in oil reserves and has the United States Air force and Navy nearby to protect America’s national interest. Meanwhile, our president calls for both sides to calm down and for their president to resign. Tell that to a 30-year-old living in the basement of his aging parent’s basement, broke, discouraged and watching reruns of “I Dream of Jeanne” all day long. This guy knows, understand internally, that it makes little difference who is in charge of a democratic government. They will fail. Egypt will fail. It will fail because new industry and technology will not settle in states where religious fundamentalists are running amok, where centuries-old divisions between social/religious groups exist, where natural resources are as simple as dates (although delicious) where people kill and die because they are convinced that superstitions, such as Allah, will reach down with his brown hand and save them. Bullshit. And what does the leader of the free-world offer. “WE PRAY for a solution.” Further reinforcing that some deity will come to their aid, as if summoned from some mystical mountaintop the God of Abraham, Jesus and the Prophet might return with economic stimulus. Bullshit. The reason this is important to me is that I know that this same recourse is happening here, albeit slower, because we have many more natural resources than Egypt—but the signs of economic destruction are everywhere. Stable, real unemployment in the U.S. (acceptable norms) nears 12%, standards-of-living for all but the wealthiest have deflated, and young people are staying with their parents because they can’t afford to start their own lives. Egypt will need a dictator, and an outside villain to hate, to be successful. The economic and social rules must change and it takes a single strong-handed person to turn such a mess into something akin to progress. A mess cannot be governed democratically, ask Hitler or Stalin or Saddam Hussein. And, no, not even the God of Abraham will come to fix the evil in the world. It will have to be fixed by mankind. At around 10-11: 00 a.m. EST, Egypt’s president is scheduled to be deposed by their military. A military strongman will take control and, over the years, will make deals with Big Business and stamp down hard on religious and social dissidents under the banner of Socialism or some other ism. I’ve seen this movie before. But real people, mixed-up, sad, poor, helpless hypocritical religious people will pay the ultimate price as this unfolds. Meanwhile our president and the God of Abraham, turn away—no profits to be made. Bullshit.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 11:58:27 +0000

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