In Jordan, Ever Younger Syrian Brides By RANA F. SWEIS SEPT. 13, - TopicsExpress


In Jordan, Ever Younger Syrian Brides By RANA F. SWEIS SEPT. 13, 2014 “The parents feel a man can protect” their daughters, said Ola Tebawi, an official at Jordan Health Aid Society, a nonprofit that provides primary health care for refugees with United Nations support. “These families feel marriage would be the best option for a girl growing up as a refugee.” But the trend — even among displaced Syrians who live outside the camps — is increasingly worrying international aid groups and women’s advocates who say that the Syrians are simply trading immediate dangers for longer-term ones. They tick off a laundry list of threats for women worldwide that accompany marrying before they are 18. LITTLE GIRLS BARELY LIVING BY FORCEFULLY BEING MARRIED TO THEIR DISTANT COUSINS - A NIGHTMARE! JUXTAPOSITIONED TO COMFORTABLE CHRISTIANS TALKING ABOUT MARRYING THEIR BEST FRIENDS AND DOING NOTHING FOR GOD! I Didn’t Marry My Best Friend|Couples need more than just each other. Kate Shellnutt/ September 15, 2014 Don’t get me wrong: My marriage remains my priority, the place where God has done the most to reveal the gospel to me. But without my friends, my relationship with my husband—and with God—would suffer. I gain much from being around others and receiving their perspectives and their prayers. Time spent with friends also keeps me from idolizing my husband as “my everything,” a habit many married people struggle to resist.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:56:28 +0000

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