In Quebec, as far as the OQLF is concerned, we are “guilty until - TopicsExpress


In Quebec, as far as the OQLF is concerned, we are “guilty until proven innocent”. There is a difference between applying the ‘letter of the law’ and the ‘spirit of the law’. For example: ‘letter of the law’ = 100km/hr speed limit and ‘sprit of the law’ = ticket only if speeding over 115km/hr. If you get a ticket for driving 140km/hr most of us would accept responsibility and pay up. But, if we’re going with the flow of traffic at 110 km/hr and get a ticket, whoa…not fair. And Police will rarely issue such a ticket, unless reckless driving was evident. The legal system allows for such leeway in the application of the law; thus, this is following the ‘spirit of the law’. We believe to know what the letter of the law is with regards to our Language Laws/Bills, and attempt to remain within the realm of the ‘spirit of the law’. This is why small, medium and large companies have differing criteria to follow. The ‘spirit of the law’ is not to punish / bankrupt businesses but to work with them. We are, the great majority of us, Law abiding citizens and live our lives within the laws we have created to maintain a peaceful, respectful and just society. We can say the same thing about the businesses that offer their services within this Province. In our system, Laws can not be rewritten on a whim and there are very good reasons for such an arduous process to amend laws. In their application/enforcement of the Language laws, NOT ONLY does the OQLF apply zero tolerance/ zero leeway between the ‘letter of the law’ and the ‘spirit of the law’; the OQLF regularly attempts to redefine/rewrite the ‘letter of the law’ with regards to the language laws. The OQLF encourages citizens to oust potential/perceived offenders by acting, on what appears to be, every single, irrational complaint they receive. The OQLF will not bother to waste it’s time determining if a reported offense is legit or within the letter of the law, this even after the Pastagate fiasco. They give legitimacy to these intolerant, narrow minded snitches by firing off threatening warning letters to these unsuspecting businesses. The OQLF, a public organization, is using it’s budget and position of power to fuel the sense of legitimacy of the separatist extremists. In Canada, section 11(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states: Any person charged with an offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. The OQLF’s actions are illegal and predatory. They find businesses guilty, with no basis in law, in the hopes that businesses comply. This puts the targeted business in the costly predicament of: 1-doing nothing and paying fines; 2-incurring operational costs in complying; or 3-challenging OQLF to prove their adherence to law and their innocence. Persecution due to language, Guilty, until proven innocent.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:38:56 +0000

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